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hiy guis! i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exited to show u my newistimahine! ik i've been on an hiyatus 4 a bit, but i'm back n better then ever!!!!!!!!! this onen is r3ally good nd speshul!!! bc it's dedicated 2 my bestie @calmhoodsisdaddies18xx!! my wattpad writer bestie <333333333333333 i hope i loke and i hope UNGUYS like 2!!

                [THE CONSERT FIASCO]
     u wake up 2 the sites and sounds of ur fambily, moving around. ur mom bust into ur room and dice "baby girl, wake up y/n! do u now what 2day is she ask. u leap out of bed.
     "mom!!!!" u scream. "how could u ever think i forget what day???" u yell at ur bich  mom. "of cors i now what days it is!!" u rip ur calinder of the wall and turn 2 2day. its five sos day!!! u scream and hump 4 joy.
     "do u know what you're fling to wear??" u huff and growl at ur mom.
     "yes bich ik." u push her out and slam the door. u've had this planned for forever. u look at urself in the mirror. u look at ur closet. u've had ur outfit picked 4ever: black jeens, white tee, black converse. u know u got it right. u put it on and go look in ur muror. u look at urself- betiful blue hair, blue eyes. then ur dad comes in the room.
     "r u ready baybe girl? we leaf in too minutes." ur heart jumps out of ur chest.
    "tOO???????!!!!!??!?????????" that's nOT enuf. but it's ok, ur ur dads favorite. in fakt, he saves 4 harvurd 4 u. he nows u'll make it bc ur good at school. ur dad shakes his head.
     "srru bbq, ur mum wants 2 leave now."
     "salope stupide, j'aimerais qu'elle meure." u use ur flooent french. ur dad blinks. "can we go l8r plsssss i'm knot reddy." ur dad knods his head. u scream yis. u get redy 2 go and finally r redy 2 go. ones u r redy 2 go u go to go, but 1st u stop and look at the pic of ur hometown, new yourk sity. u relokated from there an month ago in ur minivan (ur mom says it's hers but u dc about that bich when u leave ur taking it with u bc she doesn't need it whore)
       —————-TIME AKIP—————-
UR HEREEEEWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!bbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!1!!!1!1!!!!!1!1!
U shriek loudly. ur mom covurs her eers.
     "y/n, pls don't do that in the car". u roar angrliy.
     "stfu mom bich. i do wat i want. tue-toi" ur mom dosent answer but it's ok. u don't want to talk to her after wat she did 2 u. ull never forgitve her.

   ————— TIME SKIP AGAJN —————
     u sit in ur seet next 2 ur dad. ur mom is in the very very back of the theatre bcus of wat happened beofr, u don't want to b neer her rn. but she had 2 go bc she bot the tikets b. u hate her but it's okey i try to forget bcus u wat to enjoy the consert. the lights flash and "AHHHHHHHHHH" u scream. than the boys come onstage and the music starts 2 play. u r so exited!! ppl in the crawd screem 2, and u love it. it's so fun. the boys all look hot. u had to exsplain 2 ur dad beforehand who was ho. u made a list wit pictures:

ashton erwin- drummer and hot, 24

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ashton erwin- drummer and hot, 24

ashton erwin- drummer and hot, 24

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