A Sister Shock (Luke Hemmings x reader) (James Charles x Logan Paul)

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another collab babyyyy

DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.

Yiu wake up in a strange bed that smells like fart juuce. It maks your eyes water becos it smell bad. A voice comea from behing, stardling you awake.
"Y/n??? Are u ip??" It is a high piched voise Who cud that be???" You turn around too see that is is Luke hemings!!! He is wearing a mask over his mouth and nows becas of corona. But u can tell it's him by his blueeee eyes becos ure so madly in love with him. Yu try to bring back the memsories from last nigh. But you were to drunk to rememmeerb anything.
"Luke??" You ask. The mab hesitated but nods.
"What am I'd oinv here?? And why is ur voice so high??" He leans closer and whispers gently into your ear.
"Don't speak. Just smell. Close your eyes." I trust him so you close your eyes. "Ready?" He whispers. You feel his warm sticky breath on your face and it smells like fart smell. You throw up into ur mouth a lot but you don't want to hurt his feelings do you decide to wait until you can spit out ur puke in the senk. But he dosent stop their. He puts his mouth on yours. It tastes like butt. You try to distract yourself bu the thot that you're kissing like hemming, but yu can't help it. You throw up more, and as hard as you try you can't stopp it from slidigb into his mouth. He mosns. You realize u have to fart so you do. And he leans down to breth it in. That's why his breth smells like fart!! Even though you know it's luke hemorrhage, it's still gross. You open your eyes to see... not lune Hemings, but JAMES CHARLEES???? WHAT???
You jump up redy to run away. But then you see it... he's wearing your clothes. He's a theef! Yo hide behind a tree and dial 911. You hear an Australian accent on the other side.

Finaly the coos areive.
"Names Charles, u are under arest for stealing of this (y/g)'s possessions." You try not to pee ur panrts as they load him into the police car. The officer turns around. It's like Hemings!!!! He leans in to kiss you, and then.... YOU WAKE UP!!!!!!!!! IT WAS ALLLLL A DREM!!!! Yu don't no how to feel. You want to tell your parents so you walk into their room but they are doing it. Your mom screams ur dads name::: "Luke!!!" Finally they realize your watching. Your mother asks you: what is it?
You get nervice, looking for something to do ur eyes land on some papers by the door. You read your moms name on the papers by the door. James Charles.
"Y/n hemingggs!" Mommy James yells. "What is it??" You gulp.
"I had a dream about you guys last night. It turned me on." Your mom gasped. "Y/n, you know you can join in if you want to! You are adorpted!! But we have one secrit to tell you first. Were not your only parents." You gasp in shock as the shocking truth comes out. The closet door opens to reveal... LOGAN PAUL??? You start to faint, but Logan catches you.
"you're my parent too????" You ask shocked. He stands you up and nods. "What should I call you? I already have mom and dad."
"You can call me daddy." Logan says, winking at you. It's the best day of your life. But that's not all!!! Mr beast burst down the window.
"Here's 100,000 dollars!!!" He says and you take it. Now your rich and happy!!!" It really is a happy ending.

Thonkt you guiys for 27 liked on my last ingameagine!! It means a lot to me. Hope u guys enjooy. XOXOXOXI IXIXIXIXOOXXOXOXOXIOZOZOZOZOZOZOZOZOZOZOZXOXOXO

—— @cre8tiveimaginesgurl

Enjoy these bonuss imaggines!!


You are at Waffle House. You are luoking thru the jukebox and u select a Shawn mendez song. "Nice shoice," sais a deep velvity voice from behing youb. You turn arount to see... SHAWN!!!
"OMG!! SHAWN! WHAT ARE YIU DOING HERE????" "I came too see u." He holds up his android phone to show ur instagram page!! You almost cry. Then Shawn invited you over to his table and feeds me a waffle. Little does he know he'll be eating my waffle later tonight.

Hey babi.


So r you redy for the dance tonige

Bf: were not going to the dande


Bf:I'm breaking up w/you

You: no!!!

*blocks you*

You're sitting on your porch stairs in your prom dres, crying. When suddenly you see someone offered you his hand. You look up and see the most handsomest hottest smexiest man that ever lived...

Danny devito. Your mouth waters just looking at him. You take his hand.
"Want to go to i hob???" You nod.you are thre feet taller then him but it's okay. You get in his care and make out with him, then buckle him into his booster seat and drive to la parilla. It's a little lonely becas heS too short to sit in the front seat but it's worth it when u get to dance with him at the school danceZ it is uncomfy but you make the best memories there.

Eye hope u guys enjoied ur bonus imagnes based on my followrds submiddions. Now you know why y should follow me.... maybe your request will be made ibtob and inagnr!!! Bye guysssyy!!!!


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