Zitrus (Kurtis Conner x reader)

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this was written by my friend, ugh collaboration moment🥱

DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.

Hi guy!!!!!!!! Welcome to my imagin!! If u like wat u see then give me a follow and a like!! This weeks imagine is inspired by my favorite man in tha world Curtis Conor. I am a big fan of him so I hope u enjoy. (Sum people said his name is spelled with a K but I know it's not bc I'm a real fan)


U are in ur car driving to the coffee house. when you get a text. U look at ur phone. It's from Curtis!! U have had a crush on him 4 so long! Today is the day u plan to tell him ur feeling. U r in ur car driving to the coffee house to meet Curtis there 4 ur weekly coffee time. Finaly you get to the coffe house. U see Curtis waiting, smushing his ugly face against the window. U want to puke but hold it in by thinking of his personality. U sit down after ordeing a cofe. Curtis tells u he wants to share. Finally the coffee is redy. But Cortis is made becas there is no milk in tha coffe.
     "I'll go put some milk in here." He says heading off toward the bathroom. U wonder if that's where the milk is. When he returns u ask him.
     "Why did u go to the bathroom to put milk in the cofe?" Curte looks at you seductively, his eyes full of seductob as he is seducing u.  "Becaus, I put milk of a different kind in their." He winks at you, his seductive expression full of seduction. U drink the cofe. It's the best u ever had.

U look at cortus, ur eyes filled with seductive seduction.
     "Curtis? There's something I wont to tell u. I like you."
     "OMG. U do????" His eyes widen. U nod. He smiles, touching ur private place from under tha table.
     "Not hear." I say. "I'll meet u at my house." Citrus nods.

U are on ur way home when yu get a text frum quartz. You open it. It is a picture of his pp!! It is so massive that you swerve the car into the opposite lane of traffic. An officer pulls u over. It's zac efron!!!
     "Offices zac?? I'm sorry."
     "What caused u to swerve like this??" I whip out ur phone and show zac the picture of brutis's peen. Zac gasps. He gets a boner from looking at it.
     "It's ok, ur not under arrest. I understand." His boner continues to grow so large that the front of his pants rips!!!! His dongle is right in front of u!!! U are so tempted to just suck on it but u remember Carson, who u love. U deside not too. U invite zac into ur car to take him home and get him some new pants. His bojangle continues to grow.
     "I have a condicktion." He sighs, crying. His misery turns u on but u control urself by thinking of Corts ugly face. 
     Finally u make it home with zac. His boloney poney it almost bursting though the glass. U invite him in to get some new pants, but before u can make it, Car appears!!
     "Cortus! I can explain!!!"
      "No. I gave you my man milk and I cheated on my. I will never send you a picture of my gigantic hot dog again. Y/n, we're done." Everything u used to control urself before was gone. U start to have sex with zac. But he stops u.
     "Weight. Ur pretty, but after seeing Corpse's worm I would rather have him. Zac and Curtis start doing it but zac's rooster is even taller than Curtis by now. U don't want to watch becas u are sad. U go find cortis's brother charle pith. And then u guys do it on curts bed. It is a good time for u becas unlike Kurts, he will let u lick his armpits. U get so turned on. U deside to mary him. It is a happy ending.

I hope you guys enjoyed this imagne. I think it is won of m best. So if u like it give my a like. If you want to sugest someone I can write u am imagne about them for 20$. Thank y for ur support. I lov I Gus. 😘😘😳😘👣👣👣👁👀👁👁🗣🗣🗣🗣👨🏻‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱🧑🏻‍🦱🧑🏻‍🦱🧑🏻‍🦱🧑🏻‍🦱🧑🏻‍🦱🧑🏻‍🦱👩🏼👩🏼👩🏼👩🏼👩🏼🕶


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