S U S S Y B A K A (Corpse x Sykkuno)

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DISCLAIMER! this is all a joke. i am not shipping people irl and this is kind of to poke fun at fanfics.


i grab me knife as i walk towerds my first vicktim. wait but imma tell y'all how i got hear.


i woke up to the sound of falling in reverse playing thru me cock. it's 7:60 and i get up out of my bed to eat some coco puffs

i grab my box and milk and bowl and a spoon and a cup. i poor my milk into the cup and the poor the milk into the bowl. i open up my box if coco puffs and scoop the deliciousesy choco flakes with my hands.

i swallow the bowl whole and go to take a icey shower when my phone buzzes like cray cray.

it's anonimus from the government! they said that i needed to be they said to they also said to bring nothing so idk what i'm going to be doing for the next two ours. i have no friends and live alone in my apartment.


i wake up at 8:00 and grab my phone from my table. my alarm didjt go off so i woke up twenty min too late! i rush to eat my oanckaes and take a shower. but i RAN OUT IF SHAMPOO!! i climb out of my shower and run ti my kitchen to find the spear shampoo. the shampoo i had coconut but this shampoo is strawberry. i never smelled the differences in shampoos but apparently shampoo companys do.

as i'm running back to finish my shower my computer dings.

oh jesus! i got an email from the gov saying i've been chooses to go to some ship.

i wait for two hours for 3:00pm


too cars pull up.


two vans pull up.

i'm nervous as fxck boi. i get in the the van and see three other people. one has long longggg brown hair and tan skin. one has black hair and tattoos on his arm. the final one is... cute. fjwkdnkwnd he has black hair and a scarf. gosh scarfes are amazing. the hottest feature in anyone.

i learn there nemes are valkyrae, disguused toast, and sykkuno. okay e make big talk and show up to a big thingy.


i met a bunch of new friends!!!! we talked about a bunch of important things unlike climate change. it's so fake.

we arrived at large place and get out of the gate. but when i get out i stumble and fall flat on my face. the roxs get stuck to my face and corpse reaches up and puts more on my cheeks.

we keep looking at each other for what feels like a few seconds and it was. we sprint into the building and see six other popele. the remaining few...

we all look at each other v awkwardly and took it all in. the. a big mans voice cam thru the speekers.

"WELCOME TO SKELD. this is govornemental social expieremtn. there are six rules...

1) there are ten people in a ship.
2) 8 are crewmates and do tasks to get home.
3) 2 are imposters and try to kill without anybody knowing.
4) there will be meetings where people can vote out who they think are the imposters. if you're voted off you're thrown off the ship and die.
5) meetings are called when someone finds a dead body or calls and emargency one. the button is found in the cafateria
5) if there are two crewmates and two imposters, the imposters wins.
6) if the crewmates finish all of there tasks, they win.

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