1 - Meeting you

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It's Sunoo's last summer vacation as a high school student. He promised to himself that as soon as he enter his college life, he will change himself and become strong and independent.

Sunoo was an introvert when he was in high school. He was always taken for granted and was bullied. He was soft hearted and kind. 

He dated a few guys way back but was always cheated on and had his heart broken all the time. His confidence fell so much, to the point that he felt like he was the ugliest and most undeserving person.

Almost all his nights were spend crying. He diverted his attention to kpop, anime and gaming. He felt that these were the only things that will save him from the misery he keeps on thinking about.

Sunoo met his closest friends in an online game, Ni-ki and Jungwon. All of them are in the same age (in this au btw) and school level. They immediately became close even if their houses are cities away from each other.

Ni-ki and Jungwon knew everything about Sunoo's depression and high school life. They decided to be there for Sunoo until the end. They are really good friends.


Sunoo's POV

"Finally!! I'm going to college! BYE people, I'm not gonna miss you!", Sunoo shouted as he walked out from the gates of his old school. 

Sunoo rushed home and opened his PC. He knew by that time, Jungwon and Ni-ki will be online waiting for him.



Ddeonu is now online. 

NI-KI09: Sunoo yaaaaaaaaaaaaa~


JungONE: Let's play league!

It's my last day of schooooooool. No sleeping til' our eyes get red my boys! We gonna rank.

NI-KI09: YASSSSSSS. But hyung, did you read your e-mail yet? We already saw our entrance exam results for Seoul University. We got in maaaaaaan!

JungONE: YEEEE! Check yours now, hyung! 




---------------------------------------------------- End of Chat -----------------------------------------------------------

Sunoo, Jungwon and Ni-ki decided to take the same course and school to be together. They planned this out 2 years ago and decided to rent an apartment together, leaving their cities and home. 

Their parents were very supportive on this matter. Sunoo's parents didn't know the things he experienced in school. But they knew he was sad there. They did not hesitate to let Sunoo live freely with his friends, because they knew that he was the happiest when he's with Ni-ki and Jungwon.

"Finally I'm going to college and be with my friends. This time, I'm going to make sure that this will be the best years of my youth." - Sunoo said as he lay down and look at the ceiling.


Sunoo was very nervous as he enters the room full of new people. The three friends had only seen each other in video calls, which made Sunoo unsure if he will recognize them immediately.

As Sunoo entered the room, someone called him shouting "YAAAAA KIM SUNOO!!". Sunoo knew immediately, it was Jungwon. Their new classmates stared at Sunoo, making him feel very anxious. "Why are they looking at me? Did I do something wrong?" Sunoo said to Jungwon while pouting. "No, they just got jungshookt because you're the most handsome one here.", Jungwon pointing out the girls who were so whipped as Sunoo passed by their seats.

The girls were more shooked as a handsome blonde guy rushed and hugged Sunoo. Sunoo was taken aback but he knew who that person was. "Yaaaaaa Ni-ki! Didn't actually figured you were this tall.", Jungwon said. Sunoo smiled as Ni-ki removed his arms from Sunoo.

Class started and both guys and girls were whipped with the three friends who were sitting in the middle row. 

Sunoo was ready. He practiced everyday to change himself and show that he is a very strong person, and that no one can bully him anymore.

"Hi everyone, my name is Kim Sunoo! Nice to meet you!" Sunoo said in a cheerful manner which made the girls and guys act like they're fainting because of boy's cuteness.

Class ended. Everyone was bowing at each other as they exit the classroom. 

"Hey guys, I was wondering if you would like to go with me to the mall. I'm meeting my Jay there." Jungwon said cutely. "My Jay? What? You have a boyfriend?", Sunoo was dumbfounded and looked at Ni-ki. Niki was just shrugging his shoulders looking confused. 

"Yeaaah. I kinda told him I'll bring you guys because I want you to meet him.", Jungwon said. "Of course we'll go. But you should buy us drinks", Ni-ki said while grinning at Jungwon.


Jungwon's POV

Angry Bird Baby

Baby! See you later! I'll bring my friends. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Angry Bird Baby: Hi my baby! Sure, I'm bringing my friends too~ I miss you already! See you!

Okkkk. Can't wait to see you!

---------------------------------------------------- End of Chat -----------------------------------------------------------

Sunghoon's POV

"Guys! I'm going to let you meet Jungwon. BUT, DON'T STARE AT HIM TO MUCH. HE IS MINE!", Jay shouted as he glared to his friends. "LOL, as if I have interests with love. I'd rather play than date, man.", Sunghoon sighed. "My baby will bring his friends with him, you can flirt with them if you want to.", Jay said as he teasingly looked at Heeseung, Jake and Sunghoon.

"I don't know why I agreed to this meeting. I should've gone home and play." Sunghoon whispered to himself.

After class, we went to the mall to meet Jay's boyfriend and his friends. We waited at the arcade for around ten minutes and we saw three cute boys heading towards us.

"Babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" the small boy ran as he embraced my friend Jay. "Guys, this is Jungwon. He's my baby." Jay said while smiling and being chummy with Jungwon. "Get a room guys. By the way, nice to meet you Jungwon." Heeseung said while shaking Jungwon's hand.

After introducing each other, I can't keep my eyes off of this smiling guy. He keeps on smiling and laughing and he looks like a ball of sunshine. 

I should go talk to him, he seems nice. 



Hi guysss this is my first fanfic. Thank you for reading. ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ I will try to update regularly!!

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