Chapter 4

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Sunghoon POV

We went inside the PC Bang. As expected, this place is huge. We sat on the farthest PCs that we can find. There weren't a lot of students playing since it is still early. I don't know why I'm nervous. I keep on staring at Sunoo for no reason. 

This is where they went

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This is where they went.. 

We played and talk a lot like we used to. It was nice and comfortable. Sunoo smiles while looking directly at my eyes. It made me feel butterflies. Maybe I'm really developing some romantic feelings for him. 

"Hyuuuuuung~ can you help me? I can't seem to finish this stage." Sunoo said while pouting at me. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA So cute! But I need to calm myself down. 

I went to behind him and used the mouse and keyboard. I was lowkey back-hugging him as I rested my chin on his hair. Sunoo's hair smells so good. It was a mixture of something sweet and fresh.  

Even though I'm done teaching him what to do. I stayed on the same position for awhile. To be honest, I kind of felt butterflies in my stomach by smelling his hair and feeling his back on my chest. I blushed a bit just thinking about it.

He turned his chair around and looked at me. Our faces were like an inch close. He was looking at me so cutely and I smiled at him lovingly. I suddenly kissed the tip of his nose and laughed. "What a cutie you are." I told him while pulling away and patting his head.

"Hey you can't just do that!!" Sunoo said on a serious tone which made me nervous. "I-I'm.." I was suddenly cutoff when Sunoo suddenly stood up, jokingly pulled my shirt closer to him, and placed a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away while biting his lower lip and looked at me shyly. I was startled a bit and I'm now red as a tomato. 

I never thought that this cutie can be so flirty and straightforward.

To be honest, I think we like each other not just friends. I mean, we were flirting and kissing comfortably. That doesn't make sense if you're just friends right?

We looked at each other and started laughing then suddenly a group of guys stared at Sunoo and called him. 

Sunoo became frozen ang his smile disappeared completely when he saw the others walking towards us. He looked terrified and hid himself behind me.

That guy completely ruined our lovey dovey moment..

"So is he the new guy your dating now? Your way beyond his league, Sunoo." One guy said while laughing at Sunoo who is now looking down and shaking. "Hey, didn't he mention me to you?" He said while looking at me. "That's not a nice way to treat your ex-boyfriend Sunoo." the guy said attempting to grab Sunoo's wrist but I aggressively blocked his hand when he tried to reach Sunoo.

"Hyung help me. Take me out of here." Sunoo mumbled as he softly grabbed the end of my shirt. 

I felt that I should be protecting Sunoo right now. This is the first time I saw and heard him not at his usual bubbly self.

Third party POV

Sunghoon looked at guys like he will murder them, as he pulled Sunoo closer to his arms and went outside the PC bang. 

Sunoo was crying and looked scared but the older doesn't want to ask anything because it might make him remember some bad stuff more. Sunghoon hugged the younger tightly as he patted his back. 

Sunghoon then called Jay. "Hey man, are you with Jungwon and Ni-ki? Can you tell them to pick Sunoo up? I don't know their address and numbers." --- "Why can't you just ask Sunoo?" Jay answered. "I can't... Well... He can't talk right now. Something happened earlier." Sunghoon added. "Okay, I'll just ask Ni-ki. My baby went to his Grandma earlier so he can't come." Jay responded.

-------------------------------------------- to be continued

A/N: Was that guy really an ex-boyfriend? Or something else... :) btw, thank you again for reading <3 

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