Chapter 14

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Before leaving the next morning, the couple decided to write letters to each other. A letter that contains their future message for each other. 

"I want to leave these letters unread.. It'll be fun to look back at it after a year or two.." Sunoo said. 

Sunghoon hugged the younger from the back and rested his chin at the top of Sunoo's head. "We'll do that, love." 

As the beautiful weekend together ended, both of them went home on their respective apartments to rest and get ready for school the next day.

Part of Sunghoon's weekly routine was to buy groceries for the whole week. 

The sun is almost setting and the streets are a bit quiet. It did not bother him though. He was used to the routes he's taking. Little did he know that he was being followed. 

Sunghoon was cornered by three men around his age. One guy was really tall with his hair parted in the middle. It was a bit dark but their faces seem familiar.

'Who the heck are these men? This tall one looks oddly familiar, but I can't remember who.' Sunghoon though to himself.

"I bet Sunoo will come running back to me when I ruin this face." The tall guy suddenly said as he held Sunghoon's cheek aggressively with his hand.

Sunghoon's eyes got bigger as he heard the voice. He knew who this bastard is. It was Vincent, the guy that caused Sunoo his trauma.

Sunghoon's eyes were filled with darkness and anger. He didn't even look at the other guys who was with Vincent. He stared at him and threw a hard punch on Vincent's face.

"You're that stupid bully and rapist!" Sunghoon said as he glared intensely.

"Bully? Rapist? That wasn't the case. Sunoo loved me. I'm his ex-boyfriend. Didn't he tell you?" Vincent said in his confident tone. He's out of his mind.

"He loves you? He was traumatized, idiot! He hates you and hated everything that has to do with you!" 

"THAT'S NOT TRUE! SUNOO LOVED ME!!" Vincent started saying over and over again while him and his friends are punching and kicking Sunghoon. 

"He loves you? Did he say it? Did you hear him say it?" Sunghoon caughed in blood and added "See? He didn't. Because he hates you and you're delusional." 

Sunghoon knew how mad Vincent was getting. He was continuously getting beat up but he wanted the guy to be mentally insane. He wants to take revenge for Sunoo.

"Did you know how much he told me he loves me? The whole time you were with him, he never told you he liked you, didn't he? He just cried until his tears were all dry when he's with you. He didn't even consider you as a person because he thinks you're just a disgusting monster. And what did you say earlier? You love him? I doubt it. You wouldn't hurt someone you love. I bet you never even saw him smile for you. Because he never, even once, loved you. Stop being delusional!" Sunghoon fearlessly shouted.

As Sunghoon kept on rambling about the facts, Vincent was shouting and pulling his hair. He was getting crazier and crazier.


Sunghoon's phone was ringing, making Vincent curious regarding the caller. He then grabbed the phone and saw the name written, "My love, Kim Sunoo is calling.."

"Hi Sunoo, did you miss me? This guy told me you don't love me. But I know you do.. "

Sunoo froze and knew the voice who answered immediately.

"You should come here, Sun. Sunghoon is with me right now. It's a bit messy and bloody here too. Let's show him how much you love me. And.. Don't tell or bring anyone, or else." Vincent said and hang up on Sunoo.

Sunoo was frozen but managed to pull his shits together. Sunghoon was in trouble, he was so sure. His previous friends and classmates abandoned him because if they stay close with Sunoo, Vincent will surely make their lives miserable too.

After the phone call, Sunoo cried calling for Jungwon. He knew he can't go there alone. He needed help; Sunghoon needs help.

"Sunoo! What happen? Why are you crying" jungwon asked worriedly while wiping Sunoo's tears.

"Vincent answered Hoon's phone. I think he's in trouble."

"Calm down for a bit I'll call Sunghoon hyung's friends. I'll also call Niki. We need everyone to cooperate."

--------- phone call Jungwon to Jay

"Baby, you need to go here now! Bring Heeseung hyung and Jake hyung with you. It's an emergency!"

"Wait, what happened?"

"Just go here, I'll explain later. Hurry!"


Jungwon hung up and called Niki. He was panicking, but he stayed calm for Sunghoon and Sunoo's sake.

------- phone csll Jungwon to Niki

"Niki, we have a Vincent problem. Hurry."

"Got it."

Niki hung up and started to hurriedly go home. He knew it was serious. The name they tried to bury from Sunoo kept on resurfacing. He was getting devastated.


A little bit later, everyone arrived in the trio's residence.

Jungwon: "Sunoo I'm sorry. We need to tell them everything so they can help us save Sunghoon."

Sunoo: Okay.. I don't care anymore.. I just want Sunghoon hyung to be safe..

Niki: Do we need to tell them everything? Can they just help Sunghoon without asking Sunoo's past?" Niki said in disagreement.

The hyungs got confused on what the younger ones are talking about. Jay tapped Jungwon shoulder asking for an explanation.

Jungwon: We need your help hyungs. Sunghoon hyung got kidnapped. Sunoo tried to call his phone and the one who answered wants Sunoo to go there alone.. He was the....

Before Jungwon finished his sentence...

Heeseung: It's okay Jungwon.. No need to tell the other stuff. We will understand. Let's not force Sunoo to tell us now. For now, we need to focus saving Sunghoon.

Jungwon and Niki looked at Heeseung with lots of respect. They never really interacted much with him. But they felt how reliable he is and started trusting his judgements.

Jay: Sunoo, you called Sunghoon's number right? So his phone is on... So is the gps.. Hmm.. Ok! Sunoo I will need you to do something for me. It will take a lot of courage. But we need to do it.

Sunoo looked at them and nodded. He was willing to do anything for Sunghoon.

Jay: Jake we need your dad's help. We will need your security team.

Jake: Yeah, I'll call them now.

Heeseung: Sunoo, we need to borrow your phone for a bit.

The youngers got confused. The hyungs suddenly thought of a plan which they haven't discussed yet.

Jungwon: Wait, what's happening. What are we going to do?

Niki: What are you gonna ask Sunoo to do?

--------- to be continued...

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