Chapter 5

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Warning: Sensitive topic about violence and bullying.

Third-person POV: Flashback on Sunoo's first day in high school..

Sunoo's dad got a call from the company that he will be relocated to Seoul. Sunoo went with his family to the city leaving all of his friends behind. 

Everyone in school was in awe when they saw Sunoo for the first time. He was known for being handsome and kind. It was easy for him to have friends and all and receiving confessions was not even new. 

His first few months were happy and normal

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His first few months were happy and normal. But it all changed when a guy named Vincent became obsessed with him. He was known to be a son of a rich businessman with lots of connections with the government which made other students scared of him. 

Vincent had his eyes on Sunoo since the first day. He watched other students get rejected by Sunoo because he believes that Sunoo will probably fall in love with him even if he doesn't try. 

A year before graduation, Vincent decided to ask Sunoo out in front of many students. He was then rejected politely, given the reason that Sunoo wants to focus on his studies this year rather than dating. 

Vincent couldn't accept the fact that he was rejected and was embarrassed in front of all those people. He then decided that if he can't have Sunoo, he might as well make him miserable.

When the classes ended, Sunoo was dragged by two of Vincent's friends to an empty classroom. Sunoo was tied up in chair and others left him there alone with Vincent.

Sunoo was crying when the other punched him in his stomach and said "you should've just accepted and dated me

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Sunoo was crying when the other punched him in his stomach and said "you should've just accepted and dated me."

Sunoo was dragged by his hair to the ground leaving him with bruises from being kicked and punched. It did not end there, Vincent started to touch him inappropriately and forcefully kissing him. He was shouting and crying from pain and sorrow. Vincent's friends started taking pictures of the two so they can use it to blackmail Sunoo.

Rumors started to circulate in school that Sunoo was Vincent's toy. People were too scared to be close and befriend him anymore. He felt alone and was disgusted with himself.

Sunoo had dealt with this for 5 months until Vincent got sick of using him. He was excessively bullied by Vincent and his friends. He was so scared and disgusted to even tell anyone what happen.

He just continued to believed that once he graduates highschool, he will forget everything and start a new life.

Jungwon and Niki were the only people who knew this. Sunoo was very vocal about his problems to them because he felt more comfortable talking to his internet friends than his classmates who left him.


A/N - hi guysss I just want to remind you that this is a fanfic, which means all the things that are stated in this story are fake and are only based on my imagination. Thank you for reading.. ☺️

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