Chapter 17

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Sunghoon and Sunoo arrived to the hospital with Niki, Heeseung and Jake. 

The emergency room was quite busy since it was night time and a lot of drunk people got into accidents. But since Sunghoon was in a terrible state, he was immediately brought in for tests. He was full of bruises and blood. He had some broken ribs and legs due to continuous assault that he experiences. 

Before he was even sent to the emergency room, he looked at Sunoo who still unconscious. Sunghoon faintly said, "I'm sorry, love." He was able to say it before completely closing his eyes. 

As soon as Sunoo woke up in his hospital bed.. He continued to cry and was devastated. "This is all my fault. If only I didn't drag him in my life, he wouldn't have been hurt like this. I'm so stupid" He said. 

"It's  not your fault. It never was, Sunoo. It never was." Ni-ki continuously tried to comfort Sunoo but it didn't help. When Sunoo eventually stops crying, he will look blankly at the floor for a couple of minutes and starts crying again. 

After Sunoo was checked for any injuries, Ni-ki took him home to calm down and rest. 

All of the times that Sunoo tried to change himself, to be cheerful and forget all his past memories were gone. He was back to how he was, when he felt like he was at the edge of the cliff, waiting for the right moment to jump off. 

Ni-ki took Sunoo to his room and kissed him in the forehead. Niki whispered "You're gonna get through this. We're here. Sunghoon's here. Everything is going to be okay." He then thought that the other boy already fell a sleep, but he was wrong. 

Sunoo was being eaten by his negative thoughts. His eyes were blank, as if he was not being himself. Tears were running in his cheeks but his expressions remained blank. He stood up and walked towards his balcony looking straight. "I should end this, so nobody gets hurt again because of me." he whispered.

He attempted to climb up the rails on his balcony but he was caught by Ni-ki. Ni-ki left his phone on Sunoo's room. He was about to take it but he saw the other boy doing something in the balcony. "SUNOO, STOP!" he ran and grabbed Sunoo's arm making him fall on his room floor.

"Sunoo, snap out of it!" Ni-ki cried. He hugged his friend tight, so tight. "I'm sorry I let you do this. I should've tried to stop you. I'm sorry." 

Sunoo hugged him back. He realized what he was about to do earlier. He cried. "I'm sorry. I was out of my mind. It's just that, I suddenly had the feeling that the only way to stop this is to kill myself. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about what you guys will feel."

Ni-ki told Jungwon what happened when he got home. Jungwon wasn't able to go to the hospital with Jay because he saw Ni-ki's text that there is an emergency at home.

The two decided to sleep with Sunoo on his bed to make sure that he wouldn't feel alone at this moment. They also reassured him that Sunghoon was fine. Jake called them and said that Sunghoon can be visited tomorrow.

"We'll go see him tomorrow, Sunoo. Just rest for tonight. We'll stay here." Jungwon said.


Morning came and Sunoo received a call from his mom.

"Sunoo, my son.. I'm sorry we didn't even asked you what was going on in your life. We can't imagine how hard it was for you to suffer alone."

"It's not your fault mom. I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Sunoo-yah.. Your dad and I decided to take you back to our home town. Let's see a psychiatrist there."

"Mom.. I want to do that too.. I want to stop making the people I love worry about me."

"We can go tonight, immediately. Your dad is really worried and he wants to get you out of the city. This place already made you suffer a lot."

"okay mom. But please let me say good bye to him first.."


A/N: Hiii~. Thank you very much to all the readers who are still reading this. It warms my heart to see that some appreciates my work.

I hope you're having a good day today. 😊

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