Chapter 8

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At Sunghoon's Apartment...

Third party POV

Sunghoon and Sunoo are cuddling in the sofa while watching a movie. The television volume was so loud that they didn't notice Jake and Heeseung opening the door. 

Sunghoon's friends know the door's passcode for his apartment. Since they're friends, they usually barge in to Sunghoon's place without telling the owner beforehand. 

Heeseung tapped Jake's back signaling him to look at the lovers who are flirting and exchanging kisses as they cuddle and wrapped inside a blanket.

Sunghoon felt a bit of chills in his back. He then took a quick peek around and saw Heeseung and Jake staring at them with a teasing expression. 

"WHAAAAAAAAT!! CAN YOU GUYS KNOCK OR SOMETHING?" Sunghoon shouted as he threw a pillow on his friends

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"WHAAAAAAAAT!! CAN YOU GUYS KNOCK OR SOMETHING?" Sunghoon shouted as he threw a pillow on his friends. "When did we ever knock man." Jake answered. 

"Soooorrry, we didn't want to disturb your sweet time." Heeseung said while moving his eyebrows up and down. 

"Don't worry I'm already done babying my Sunoo, we are resting now." Sunghoon said making Sunoo really embarrassed. "You don't have to be that honest.." Sunoo whispered.

Jake and Heeseung laughed as they saw Sunoo blush. They find Sunoo's embarrassed face cute.

"Soooooo, uhmmm yeah I-I should g-get going too. It's getting a bit late." Sunoo stuttered as he picked up his things and awkwardly said good bye to the other three.

Sunghoon kissed Sunoo's forehead and said good bye. When he closed the door, he immediately glared at the two. "Why did you come here of all days." Sunghoon sighed. "You should've told us your boyfriend's here." Heeseung rolled his eyes and laughed. "Hehe.. Yeah.. He's my boyfriend now." Sunghoon's eyes sparkled which made both of his friends chuckle with his reaction.

------------------------------------------ Meanwhile..

"Oh my gosh that was embarrassing.. I didn't expect to see them today.." Sunoo murmured while pressing the elevator door. "See who?" Jay asked when he suddenly showed up when the elevator door opened. 

"Why are you here Sunoo?" Jay asked. "I-I went here to see Sunghoon hyung. We just talked." Sunoo nervously laughed and became defensive. "Woah, chill. Okay okay." Jay responded. "I'll get going jay hyung." - "Ok, see you." 

"I should tell Jungwon and Niki my relationship with Sunghoon hyung first before Jay, or else, they will be really upset that I hid this from them." Sunoo thought as he immediately went home to see his bestfriends. 

---------------------------------- to be continued

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