Chapter 2

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'Sunoo seems nice. I should go talk to him.' Sunghoon though while smiling at Sunoo. 

Ni-ki seemed to notice that Sunghoon was looking at Sunoo while Sunoo was laughing and fooling around with Jungwon and Jay. Ni-ki felt as if he was irritated and he immediately put his arm around Sunoo's shoulders while looking at Sunghoon.

Sunghoon smiled a bit since he noticed Niki's actions. He doesn't have any intention to flirt with Sunoo, he was just curious and wants to befriend him. He then approached Sunoo and Niki. "Hi! I'm Park Sunghoon, nice to meet you!" Sunghoon smiled as he offered a hand shake to Sunoo. 

"Hi! I'm Kim Sunoo!" Sunoo smiled brightly as he shook Sunghoon's hand. "Sup, I'm Niki." as he coldly responded while holding Sunoo tighter. 

"So uhmm, are you guys dating?" Sunghoon asked. "NO! We're just very close." Sunoo said while looking at Niki.



'How can this guy ask such a question, and why did Sunoo answer as if he was disgusted. I'm just trying to be protective. This Sunghoon guy seems like a player. I don't want my best friend to be heartbroken again.'

"Hey Sunoo, do you want some snacks? I'll buy some for you. I saw a convenience store near the arcade." Ni-ki said while patting Sunoo's head. Sunoo nodded while smiling happily to Ni-ki.

I just want my sunshine to be happy. Even if he chooses not to be with me. Besides, he only sees me as a friend and nothing more.

'I knew I'd be like this when I see him in person. I just didn't know that my feelings for him was this much. Good thing he's dense or else, he will completely be uncomfortable with me.'


Third party POV

Ni-ki went to the convenience store nearby. Sunghoon then continued to talk with Sunoo. "Sooo, do you like games?" Sunghoon asked the younger. "Yep, I play a lot with my friends. Sometimes I even forget to sleep because of playing too much." Sunoo bragged while laughing.

"OHH, I play a lot too! Do you play league?" Sunghoon got more excited while asking Sunoo as he nodded with excitement as well. "You should definitely add me there, we can play rank too if you want. I'm really good you know, lol." Sunghoon said while raising his eyebrows. 

"Okay! Can I get your number? I'll text you my account name later so we can play. I'll add you to my discord channel as well so we can talk there." Sunoo handed his phone to Sunghoon. Sunghoon immediately typed his number while being excited.

The two guys continued to talk about games and Jay seemed to notice it. "Wow, you're having a nice time. You were all gloomy earlier, saying that you don't want to be here." Jay teasingly whispered to Sunghoon. Sunghoon rolled his eyes and continued to talk with Sunoo. 

Niki came back from the convivence store and smiled while showing Sunoo the snacks he bought for him. As they continued to talk with Sunghoon, he became comfortable since he feels that Sunghoon does not see Sunoo more than a friend.

Time flies so fast and now it's time to go home.

"Yaaaaaaa, let's go home!" Jungwon shouted, calling his two friends. 

Sunoo, Niki and Jungwon are staying in a three-bedroom apartment. "Jay will be sleeping over to our place, he's gonna help me study." Jungwon said. "Study...." Ni-ki and Sunoo said while looking at Jungwon who is now holding his flushed cheeks.

"Do you like him? You seem very happy today Hoon." Jake teasingly said. "Well, yes I do like Sunoo. But not like-like, just as a friend." Sunghoon answered while looking at Sunoo waiving him goodbye.

--------------------------------------------------Time skip------------------------------------------------

*Trios apartment (Jungwon, Niki and Sunoo's Apartment)

"Baby, my room is on the left. You can leave your things there." Jungwon pointing at his room. "Are you really gonna sleep together in one room? Seriously Yang Jungwon?" Sunoo looking worried. "Yes, we'll just study. We're too young for whatever you're thinking." Jungwon confidently said. Niki just shook his shoulders and went to his room to play.

After taking a shower, Sunoo opened his pc and texted Sunghoon so he can add and play with him.

Sunoo's POV

Hoonie Hyung (ˇ⊖ˇ)

Hi Hyung! This is Sunoo! Add me nowwwwwwwww. My username is Ddeonu.

Hi Sun! Sure I'll add you now. 

Hyung, I accepted your request already. Let's talk there while playing. o.o

---------------------------------------------------------------end of chat

They played and talk until 3am in the morning... 

Sunghoon logged off and went to bed. 

Sunghoon's POV

'That kid is really cute. No wonder his friend was really protective of him. You wouldn't want to hurt this ray of sunshine.'

I don't know why I'm still thinking about him though. Maybe I want him as my little bro. He seems really nice and he makes me comfortable. I'm excited to talk with him again tomorrow.

------------------ To be continued...

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