Chapter 3

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Sunoo and Sunghoon became really good friends. Deep conversations during 3am became normal to them. Sunoo was comfortable sharing his deepest thoughts with Sunghoon. He felt that the older was someone dependable and mature enough to understand his anxieties.

Sunghoon listens to the younger as he expresses how he used to love the feeling of being in a relationship but now fears of being in one. 

As time goes by, Sunoo was spending less time with his close friends. Jungwon doesn't mind since he was always with Jay. Jay mostly spends his time in the trios' dorm. Ni-ki on the other hand was slowly becoming sad and jealous.

Ni-ki knocked on Sunoo's door, sulking. As Sunoo opened his door, he quickly told Sunghoon who was talking to him on the phone that he will just text him later. Ni-ki looked more sad than before.

"What happen? Are you okay?" Sunoo worriedly asked. "No, I'm not okay. Recently, I've been playing alone. You and Jungwon forgot about me." Ni-ki said. Sunoo chuckled while ruffling Ni-ki's hair. 

"Why are you acting cute all of a sudden? What a baby." Sunoo pinched Ni-ki's cheeks while laughing. "Can I stay here? We have lots of things to catch up on. Besides, Jungwon and Jay are flirting downstairs, I don't want to be a third-wheel."

"Of course you can stay here." Sunoo smiled brightly making Ni-ki blush.

Sunoo sees Ni-ki as a friend or a baby brother, nothing more. He doesn't feel uncomfortable hugging or sleeping beside him in the same bed. 

While talking with each other, Ni-ki was lying on Sunoo's lap while the older caresses the younger's hair. Ni-ki was so happy telling the older about what happen with him during the past few days. 

After talking for a long time, they went to sleep. Sunoo seems to be sleeping heavily while Ni-ki stared at him for a long time. "Being with you like this makes me feel at ease. I hope this last forever." Niki thought to himself before closing his eyes and went to sleep.

----------------------- Time skip

Heeseung and Jake went to Sunghoon's Apartment.

"Hey bro, you've been busy lately. You rarely talk to us, man." Jake said while getting snacks from Sunghoon's fridge. "Yea man, are you secretly dating or something?" Heeseung added.

"Well yeah, I've been busy talking with Sunoo. We play a lot lately." Sunghoon said pokerfaced. "And???? Just talking??" Jake teasingly said. "LOL what do you expect? We'll be flirting?" Sunghoon laughed nervously. 

"WHAT? You did what?" Heeseung shouting from a far. Heeseung was busy making ramen for snacks. "I was just joking, don't take it seriously. We're just good friends." --- "For now." Jake added after Sunghoon's answer.

Sunghoon's POV

'Well to be honest, I find Sunoo cute. He's bubbly and all. I want to take care of him but not like a boyfriend or something. 

I keep on thinking about him and I can't seem to focus whenever he is not chatting or calling me. Maybe I'm just too used of his presence. I should call him later and ask him to meet up.

Ddeonu bread cheeks

Sunoo! Do you want to go a PC Bang later?

Sureee hyung! Just send me the address!

Okay, I'll see you there!


TIME SKIP ---- Still at Sunghoon's POV

'I should look good but I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. Maybe I'll go with something simple.

This is Sunghoon while waiting for Sunoo

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This is Sunghoon while waiting for Sunoo... 

Why am I feeling nervous?? This isn't the first time we will meet. I don't like him that way either. I'm overthinking things. 

This isn't a date Park Sunghoon!! This is just me hanging out with a friend. No other reason.

Sunghoon saw a cute ball of sunshine running towards him wearing a vest.

Sunghoon saw a cute ball of sunshine running towards him wearing a vest

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This is how Sunoo looks like wearing his vest... I'm also whipped lol

How can he be that cute while running? He looks so soft I want to kiss his cheeks. Wait WHAT AM I SAYING?? 

"Hi Ddeonu! You look like a baby today." --- "Hi hyung! Yes I'm always a baby." Sunoo said as he smiled brightly at Sunghoon.

'Well I think I'm whipped."

------------- to be continued ^-^ thank you for reading again.

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