Chapter 7

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Sunghoon's Apartment – Heeseung, Jay, and Jake are here..

"Why do you look so bummed after your date?" Heeseung asked why eating ramen. 

"Why are you eating my ramen again? And why are you guys here when I'm not here??" Sunghoon asked. 

"Well, you live alone, you have lots of food here, and internet reception here is good. Do we need more reason?" Jake responded while shrugging his shoulders.

"So what happened with Sunoo? Is he okay? Jungwon literally got mad at me for not calling him first." Jay mentioned. 

"We haven't talked about it yet. Even Niki was so damn mad earlier, I thought he was going to kill someone." Sunghoon said feeling confused and worried.

"Well I was close to punching a random guy I just met because Sunoo looked frightened when he saw him." Sunghoon whispered but was loud enough to be heard by the other three. 

"Sooooo, you're starting to like Sunoo don't you?" Heeseung cheesily winked at Sunghoon.

"Well yeah, I can't deny the fact that I'm attracted to him. He is nice, handsome and he smells like vanilla, so comforting." Sunghoon said while nodding.

"Lmao. Why are you even smelling him?" Jake curiously asked.  

--------------- Sunghoon's friends went home ---- Sunghoon's POV 

I should call Sunoo tomorrow and ask if he's okay. I'm really worried but I don't want to be nosy. We are not even in a relationship yet. I mean, I want to be in a relationship with him and we seem to like each other too. 

At first, I thought I was just attracted to Sunoo physically because he's cute and all. But after spending time with him and seeing his genuine smile makes me want to protect that smile forever.

I think I'm falling in love with Sunoo.... Deeply in love..  I know it's fast for me to fall, but can you blame me?

"Sunoo, what do I do with you.. You make me worry and think of you non-stop.." *sigh..

Then I suddenly remembered. Is there something between Niki and Sunoo? Ni-ki's actions were more than what a friend will normally do. But Sunoo kissed me right.. Does he like me? 

---------------- Time skip – next day

Sunoo's POV:

As soon as I woke up, I realized how Sunghoon hyung must've been shocked on how I reacted yesterday. 

I was so happy with him; he made me feel comfortable, loved and respected. It felt like a dream to be with Sunghoon hyung. 

But when I saw Vincent, I started to think that I might not deserve Sunghoon hyung and this happiness I'm feeling when I'm with him. 

I mean, Sunghoon hyung is a great person and all, but I'm flawed. He thinks I'm innocent, pure and bubbly. That was all a facade..

I hate myself for letting Vincent do what he did to me in the past. I hate myself for being weak. I feel disgusted with myself.

Is Sunghoon hyung willing to accept and love me if he knew everything about me? 

I didn't know how much I liked him until I realized all these things yesterday..

I want to be with him.. I love him.. I want to take this risk.. Because it's him.. Will it be selfish of me to like him?

------------------------------- Sunghoon's POV

Sunghoon opened his phone and saw a text from Sunoo.

Ddeonu My Sunshine

Hoonie hyung... Can I go to your place later? I want to tell you something..

Sure Sunoo. Are you okay now? I'll send you my address.

I'm okay now. Jungwon and Niki talked to me already..

Okay. I'll wait for you.


Sunoo arrived at Sunghoon's Apartment.

Third party POV

"Come in, Sunoo. You can sit on the sofa there, I'll get you some drinks." Sunghoon said. 

Sunghoon was opening the fridge when he suddenly felt Sunoo's arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. "Hyung, I like you.. But I don't know if you can accept me.. " Sunoo whispered. 

The older turned around and hug Sunoo, placing his chin on the top of the younger's head. "I like you too, Sunoo. And I'm going to like you more in the future. Okay?" Sunghoon placed a kiss Sunoo's forehead.. 

"Do you want to be my boyfriend, Sunoo?" Sunghoon asked and Sunoo nodded. "Then from now on, you're mine and I'll always be yours." Sunghoon said.

"Wait, what about Ni-ki? I kind of thought there was something between you two." Sunghoon looked at Sunoo waiting for him to answer. "We're just friends, hyung. But Ni-ki and Jungwon are the most important people in my life." Sunoo answered. 

"Then, how about me?" Sunghoon said while pouting as he pulls Sunoo's waist closer. 

Sunoo smiled as he leaned in and softly grabbed Sunghoon's shirt closer to him and kissed him softly. Both of them smiled at how sweet the moment was.

Sunoo pulled away from the kiss and hugged the older very tight and whispered "I'm so in love you, hyung." 

They looked at each other lovingly as Sunghoon kissed Sunoo's forehead and said "I love you too, my sunshine."  

--------------- to be continued...

A/N: Thank you again for reading.. :) 

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