Chapter 16

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Jay and Jungwon went with the police to report everything that happened. Sunghoon and Sunoo were unable to go to the police station for questioning since both of them were immediately sent to the hospital.

Vincent was laughing. He was behind bars but he was laughing. "Jokes on all of you. I'll be out in a minute. Right chief?" he said.

The policemen are quiet. They already caught Vincent and his friends a lot of times for assault, harassment, illegal possession of drugs and etc. Even once, he wasn't sentenced to jail. His father was rich and has connections with the chief officer. Vincent was confident that his dad will definitely bail him out.

After a few minutes, a familiar old man arrived at the police station. He was quite confident and rude. "Did I already told you to stop carrying my son here?" the man said strongly.

"Dad! Those filthy kids think I deserve this. I was just teaching someone a lesson from stealing something from me." Vincent explained.

"You heard him? My son was just trying to teach someone some manners." his dad said.

Jay and Jungwon were just standing there. The policemen assigned to their case were not even questioning them about what happened.

Jungwon was furious. He heard some policemen whispering about releasing Vincent from prison since they will probably get scolded by their chief.

Jay held Jungwon's hand to calm him down. The older chuckled making Jungwon confused.

"Babe? Why are you laughing?" Jungwon whispered irritated. "It's just that both the father and the son are pathetic." Jay replied.

"Let's wait a bit. They'll be here soon." Jay reassuringly held his lover's hand. "They? Who are you talking about?"

After a few chatters, a rich and famous person arrived. He was accompanied by bulky bodyguard. The people in the area where intimated but what caught the most attention was Vincent's father who went from being confident to being terrified as he saw the men that arrived.

"My son called me here. It seems like my son's friends were assaulted by this kid here." he pointed at Vincent who was shocked behind bars.

The chief of police struggled walking towards the man and said, "Apologies Mr. Park, we didn't know this kid here was your child." he said wrapping his arm around Jay's shoulder.

"So if he wasn't my son, you're not gonna do you job? You've done everything so poorly that my son had to ask our security team to do all the investigations ourselves for his friends. CSO Shim, please give them the files." Mr. Park ordered.

The files given by CSO Shim was the recorded phone calls, Sunoo had with Vincent. They also collected statements from various witnesses in the area. Some cctv footages of Sunghoon being beat up and dragged in the streets before being held captive in the garage.

Jungwon was confused on what's happening but Jay reassured him that everything is under control.

Vincent's dad remained quiet but Mr. Park looked on his way and smirked.

"Fancy seeing you here, Mr. Han." Mr. Park said in straight tone.

"Dad! How long should I wait here? GET ME OUT!" Vincent shouted.

"Shut up!" his dad answered attempting to stop his son from talking.

"Oh so this kid is your son. It seems like I will be making a mistake closing a deal with you, Mr. Han." Jay's dad said. "Shit." Mr. Han murmured. 

Jay's dad was a very rich businessman and one of the country's top investor. Vincent's family was close to being broke. Their businesses had reached rock bottom and the only chance that Vincent's father was hoping to, is the investment from Jay's father.

"Jay, my son. We will handle the things here. Sunoo and Sunghoon's parent were informed already about this. You can go to the hospital and visit your friends." Mr. Park ruffled Jay's hair and said, "You did a great job helping your friends today, son."

"Thanks dad. Uhmm, before we go. I would like you to meet Jungwon. He's the love of my life." Jay explained. "I know son, and I believe that Mr. Jungwon here is a really nice kid." Mr. Park smiled.

"Nice meeting you sir! Thank you for helping us today." Jungwon smiled as he bowed and Jay waived goodbye to his dad. 

"Hey babe, good job today!" Jungwon said as he kissed Jay on the cheek making him smile and blush.


Mr. Park filed an official complaint in behalf of Sunoo and Sunghoon's parents. The police and Mr. Han had no choice and the case was investigated properly.

Because of the strong evidences and testimonies of Sunoo's previous classmates and teachers, Vincent was charged with rape, kidnapping and physical assault. There were more charges filed against him from previous victims who stepped up.

Vincent was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment without parole. His father also failed to get Mr. Park's investment. Their family is now broke and is under a huge amount of debt.   


A/N: Thank you very much for the 500+ reads! I really appreciate it! :)

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