Chapter 10

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It's been two weeks since Sunghoon and Sunoo decided to date. They mostly spend their time going to cafe's, watching movies and eating dinner like most couples do. 

Sunoo's free time was always occupied by Sunghoon. He rarely stays at home on weekends with his two friends, Jungwon and Niki. Jungwon understood and was very supportive. But Niki was still skeptical with Sunghoon. Niki was willing to shrug it off, as long as Sunoo is happy. 

One friday night, Sunghoon texted Sunoo..

"My Love, Kim Sunoo"

Love, can I take you out on a date tomorrow?

Hoonie hyung~~~ Of course you can!
Where are we going?

It's a secret! But I know you'll love it there.
Can you bring change of clothes and toiletries?

That sounds suspicious lol. But okaaay!
Tell me if it's an overnight trip. I will have to tell Jungwon.

Yeah. Uhmmm. If it's okay with you?
I can take you home at night if you're uncomfortable..

Whaaaaat!? No!! I'll be happy to spend the night with youu...

Okay loveeeee. I'll pick you up at 10 am tomorrow!

-------------------------------------------------- end of text

"Yang Jungwoooon! I not going home tomorrow night. Don't look for me!" Sunoo shouted in front of Jungwon's door. "Where are you going?" Niki answered as he tapped Sunoo from behind. 

"Oh my gaaa-- I didn't even here you walk close." Sunoo looking very startled. "Jungwon's not home yet. He's probably having dinner with Jay hyung." Niki said. "Did you eat dinner? Want to go for a walk and eat teokbokki outside?" Niki added. Sunoo agreed immediately when he heard teokbokki. 

"Your treat??" Sunoo looked at Niki who is quite taller than him. "Yeah sure." Niki smiled and patted Sunoo's head.

------------ Walking outside: Sunoo and Niki

Sunoo is humming looking so happy and full after eating. The two are walking at the park at night.

"Sunoo, do you think that if you didn't meet Sunghoon hyung there will be a chance you'd fall in love with either me and Jungwon?" Niki asked with all seriousness. "Yahhhh! Hahaha what kind of question is that?" Sunoo tapped Niki's shoulder while laughing. Niki awkwardly laugh to not Sunoo uncomfortable.

"But you know what Ni-ki, I can't actually answer that. Because we will never know actually." Sunoo smiled towards Niki. "I love both of you guys, you're like my brothers from a different mom." He added.

"Ahh yes.. Brothers." Niki sighed and roll his eyes. "Sooo is Sunghoon hyung's the reason you're not going home tomorrow?" He added. "Well yeah, I think his planning something special. I don't know." Sunoo smiled brightly as he thought of Sunghoon. 

"I've fallen deeply in love with Sunghoon, Niki-yah." Sunoo said looking at the night sky as he reached out his hand to the moon. 

"Me too, I've fallen deeply for you." Niki whispered looking as he looked at Sunoo. 

Sunoo heard what Niki said but he pretended that he didn't. He was confused and sad at the same time, but he was scared to ask Niki the truth about his feelings. 

'I hope he didn't mean that because I can't give you the same feelings you have for me..' Sunoo thought to himself.  

"Let's go home, Niki." Sunoo said with a warm and concerned smile.   

----------------- to be continued.. 

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