Chapter 12

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After hours of driving, Sunghoon and Sunoo arrived at Jay's Beach house in Busan. Sunoo was peacefully sleeping in the passenger seat and the older was beside him, staring and admiring his beauty while tracing the moles in his cheeks. 

Sunoo felt Sunghoon's touch and woke up. The younger smiled brightly as he looked at Sunghoon who was staring at him while he was sleeping.

"Did you sleep well?" Sunghoon asked and Sunoo nodded a bit as he stretched his arms. "Let's put our things inside and go to the market." Sunghoon said after placing a kiss on Sunoo's forehead.

The couples' jaws dropped when they saw the beautiful beach house. 

The beach house was built especially for couples. It was small but the interior gives a very relaxing vibe. It has big windows that show the view of the beautiful sea which makes the place really romantic.

After settling down and unpacking their things, the couple decided to go out and buy groceries for dinner.


While walking to the market ...

"I feel like we just got married and now we're staying here for our honeymoon!" Sunoo said excitedly as he sway Sunghoon's hand. The older smiled and nodded in agreement.

Sunoo was picking some meat to grill for later while Sunghoon was beside him point at things he want to cook later.

"What a handsome married couple!" the ahjumma said while adoring the two. Sunoo smiled brightly to the lady and Sunghoon was a bit shy but he was happy too.

They held each other's hand and went back to the beach house to relax and later prepare for dinner.

-------------------- time skip

Like new married couples, they cooked together while occasionally hugging and giving small pecks.

After dinner, Sunghoon asked Sunoo to relax and take a bath first while he prepares his surprise at the beach.

After showering, Sunoo changed into his lounge wear and signaled Sunghoon to join him in the bed so they can cuddle.

Sunoo looked at Sunghoon deeply as he brushed his hands on the hair of the older.

"I think I'm ready to tell you everything hyung. I want to tell you know before we fall more in love with each other." Sunoo said in a serious tone.

"I'm willing to listen love." Sunghoon said as he placed Sunoo on top of his lap, babying him.

Sunoo started telling everything to Sunghoon..

"When I was in my senior year, I was bullied and had no friends.. The guy you saw at the pc bang was not my ex boyfriend. He assumed he was because he took my first everything.." Sunoo paused as he looked at Sunghoon who was listening to him seriously.

"He took everything from me without my consent. He made me do disgusting things. Whenever I don't follow his orders, he will hurt me physically. He also threatened me that he will leak the photos they took of me when I was bruised and naked." Sunoo said as he started crying, remembering all the things that happened as if it was just yesterday.

"I felt so helpless. People in my school knew what was happening even though I'm not telling anyone about it. No one tried to help me because that guy's father was really rich and had a good reputation. No one dared to touch him. I became his doll, a toy for him to enjoy. Every time they bully me it hurts, not just in my bruises but in my heart. - - - there was a point in my life that I almost killed myself to end everything. But I tried my best not to, because I can't bear the fact that the most important people in my life will be miserable and might blame themselves if I take my own life."

"I was afraid of telling you all this because I was disgusted with myself. But.. I really love you hyung, and I want to give you a chance to runaway from me before we fall more in love and end up breaking each other's hearts." Sunoo said as he looked down avoiding Sunghoon's eyes.

Sunghoon's eyes were teary as held Sunoo's chin and kissed him. "Let's go for a walk, love." he said.

Sunoo went outside first. Under the moonlight was a mat placed on the sand with rose petals. There was also an instrumental music played softly.

Sunoo was surprised started to cry again..

Sunghoon then hugged him from behind tightly and said, "Thank you for telling me everything about you, Sunoo."

Sunoo turned around and hugged Sunghoon. His head was on the older's chest hearing his heart beat.

"I love you Sunoo and it will never change. I will try my best to give you the happiest memories to make up to the horrible ones." Sunghoon said.

"I love you too, Sunghoon. I really really do.."

--------- to be continued

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