Chapter 9

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Trios Apartment: Third party POV

Jungwon was cooking dinner and Niki was watching in the living room. Sunoo opened the door hurriedly made the two startled. 

"Hey calm down. You look like your being chased or are you just hungry?" Jungwon smirked at Sunoo who was sweaty after running. "I need to tell you guys something at dinner. No buts, we'll eat together." Sunoo said making the two confused but nodded anyways.

Sunoo went to the bathroom and took a shower. He was excited to tell his friends that him and Sunghoon decided to be in a relationship.


Dinner conversation:

Jungwon: What did you do now Kim Sunoo?
Sunoo: Well it's nothing to be worried about Wonnie. I just want to tell you guys first before anyone else.
Niki: Tell us what? 
Sunoo: Soooo.. uhmmm.. Sunghoon hyung asked me to be his boyfriend...
Niki: Did you say yes??
Jungwon: Did you???
Sunoo: Well yeah. I like him and he really likes me too. 
Niki: Ohhh okay. I'm happy for you sunshine. (Niki patting Sunoo's head)

Niki was smiling. But his eyes tell no lie.. He was heartbroken..

Jungwon looked at Niki with concerning eyes. He knew very well about Niki's feelings. 

Niki: Is he nice? Does he take care of you well? 
Jungwon: Jay hyung said that Sunghoon hyung is a really decent guy. I also knew he likes Sunoo the first day they met. 
Sunoo: What? Really? I didn't know that.
Niki: You don't even know when people like you.
Jungwon: Yeah! You're so dense. 

The atmosphere became quiet between the three of them. Sunoo suddenly remembered something that made his smile disappear. 

Sunoo: I'm scared to tell him about the high school incident with Vincent though. He might get disgusted with me and leave. 
Jungwon: That wasn't even your fault! You were a victim, Sunoo-yah..
Niki: If he hurts you, I'll make his life miserable.
Sunoo: Woah, this baby is scary. (Sunoo pinches Niki's cheeks and smiled brightly)
Niki: I'll never let anyone this smile. (Niki placed his hands on Sunoo's cheeks)
Jungwon: Ehem. Get a room guys.

Sunoo hugged Jungwon really tight reminding him how thankful he is for their friendship

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Sunoo hugged Jungwon really tight reminding him how thankful he is for their friendship.

He cared and loved them both unconditionally.. He can't imagine overcoming every thing without Jungwon and Niki.

Sunoo: Even if he'll end up leaving me, you guys won't right?
Jungwon: Of course! We'll be with you forever. We promise. 
Niki: Yep. We promise. 

Sunoo: I love you guys. I really do.. (Sunoo smiled the brightest.)

------------------------------ To be continued

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