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The wind carried the scent of the ocean everywhere it blew. The sun was hidden by a few clouds, making it the perfect weather. The sound of seagulls flying overhead harmonized with the sound of the crashing waves. The sand was smooth between Forth's toes as he waited for Beam at the altar.

As the music starts to play, Beam realized that this is the moment he's been waiting for. He toom takes a deep breath and nodded. His father stood on his right and his mother on his left. Beam saw the crowd turning to look at him. He looked around at the friends and family that have joined them to celebrate. He even noticed that some people are already crying.

The altar is under a large white canopy that is held in place by red and white ribbons. Lam was standing on the left as Forth's best man and on the right, it's Phana and Kit as Beam's best men. They were all wearing black tuxedos and ties.

Beam's eyes fell on Forth finally and he can't remember when he's seen anyone so handsome. He's wearing a black tuxedo with a red bow tie and accents and his hair is in between styled and 'just rolled out of bed'. How can he possibly fall deeper in love with this man?

Forth at the end of the aisle was also mesmerized. He couldn't take his eyes off Beam. His smile was like the sun shining brightly as he stood there dressing in a white tuxedo with a red bow tie. He took a deep breath to calm his beating heart as Beam started walking down the aisle with his parents.

As he walked down the aisle, all that mattered to Beam right now was Forth. They held each other's hands once Beam had taken his place and it took all their self-control not to show each other how much they were missed. The well-known tradition of not seeing the groom on the night before the wedding caused the two grooms to lack sleep. They were both excited and nervous at the same time but most of all, they had missed the warmth and comfort they had every night in each other's arms.

The minister waited for everyone to settle down and for Forth and Beam to be ready before proceeding with the ceremony. He kept it short since he was told that neither man wanted a long ceremony, he then proceeded onto the vows which Forth and Beam said together.

Beam was the first to exchange rings with Forth and said his vows out loud for the first time. He took the ring from Phana and locked eyes with Forth. He placed the ring on Forth's hand and begun his vows.

"I never knew that the person I would spend the rest of my life with was right in front of my eyes the whole time. I may have been a jerk in the past who couldn't be controlled by anyone. But that all changed when I met you. From the moment I realized I love you, I knew that my heart knew that you were the only one for me. And I promise to always be with you, to be by your side, every day, every step of the way, my Forth" Beam finished and slipped the finger onto Forth's finger. A few aww's could be heard alongside some sniffles from the guests.

When Beam was done, the minister motioned to Forth to start his vows. Forth turned as Lam handed him the ring and smiled encouragingly. Turning back to Beam, Forth took hold of Beam's hand and slipped the ring on his finger. "I fell in love with you the moment our eyes met. It hurt me to know that we couldn't be together. But fate brought us together. I've heard the phrase 'Until death do us part is just another way of saying only one of us gets out of this alive'. If that's true, then we're going to live forever because neither of us is getting out of this."

Hearing Forth's vows, Beam's face was a mix of shock and pure bliss. Who knew Forth had those words in him?

Once the vows were over, the minister announced them as legally married and finally allowed them to kiss. Forth reaches out and held Beam's face as he brought it towards him while Beam steadied himself holding onto Forth's waist. As their lips touched the crowd cheered and clapped for the couple while crying happy tears. None of it made it into Forth and Beam's head, all that existed for the moment was themselves.

Republished on 24th August 2021

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