Chapter 11

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Beam felt his heart clenching with pain. Right now, he just wanted to crawl and hide himself somewhere and cry out loud. Tears were running down his cheeks as he bit his lower lip to make it stop. His vision turned blur, so he pulled his car over to the side and broke down. He couldn't believe that this day would ever come in his life where Forth, the love of his life would never trust him. Beam cried his eyes out so much that they turned red while his cheeks and neck were flushed as he remembered what he saw.

A few hours back,

Beam couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him were all photos of him with different people he met in the past couple of days. There were photos of him hugging P'Ohm at the academy, P'Ohm's hand on his back guiding him inside, hugging P'Mick, and then there were photos of Liz hugging him at the supermarket including the ones at the cafe with Beam smiling. And there was this one photo that was taken at an angle which showed that Liz pulling away from a kiss with Beam.

Beam at first thought that this was the work of someone who spites them but he was proven wrong when he saw Forth's checkbook lying open at the side. He opened it and found a cheque written for twenty thousand dollars. The name and signature weren't there which Beam knew that the two spaces would be filled when Forth meets the spy photographer in person. He closed the file and book and stood up. He couldn't be in his husband's office any longer. He had to leave.


He rushed out of Forth's office trying his best to keep his tears from running down his face. Before he could leave, he informed Emma to not tell Forth that he was there before he rushed off towards the elevator.

Beam wiped away the tears and drove his car down the almost empty residential streets of Bangkok. When he felt that he couldn't cry anymore and that he was tired with his throbbing headache, he returned back home.

When he arrived at his place, he found Forth's car already in the garage. Beam sucked a breath in, as he drove his car through the driveway and parked it in the garage. He took a deep breath before entering inside. The lights were still turned off. He peeped through the living room and found Forth sitting on the patio chair with a cigarette in between his fingers.

Beam was glad that the lights weren't switched on or else Forth would see his tear-stained cheeks and red eyes. He stepped into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. He decided to act normal. So he went outside and saw Forth staring up at the sky.

"Hey... Want to have dinner together? I'll just warm up the food I bought for us earlier," Beam said, trying to keep his voice in his normal, casual tone. Forth didn't respond except to blow out the smoke.

Beam couldn't stand by with the silent treatment. He walked back in and warmed up the food for them. He washed his face before he placed it on the table along with their plates and cutlery needed.

He took a deep breath before sitting down and putting his head in his hands. He felt movement in the living room so he straightened up. Forth joined him and the couple had their dinner in silence. Well, they tried to eat the food but their stomach couldn't take it.

"How was your day?" Beam spoke up. Forth remained quiet. "What happened? Is something wrong?" Beam felt his stomach churn.

"Why don't you tell me?" Forth finally spoke.

"What do I need to tell you?" Beam asked back.

"How was your day? Had fun?" Forth's voice was cold which made Beam flinch back.

"My day was going fine until..." Beam swallowed. "A few hours back," he stated. Forth's face turned to a frown.

"Forth?" He looked up from his plate. "Do you trust me?" Beam bucked up the courage to ask. 

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