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Everyone woke up late, around ten in the morning, as the partying and the effects of hangover had settled in. Beam felt sore all over his body. The warm hand around him made him feel at ease as he turned around to face the owner of the hand. He smiled at the eyes which were looking lovingly into his eyes.

"Good morning, birthday boy..." Beam ran his fingers through Forth's hair.

"Good morning, my queen..." Forth snuggled into his neck and peppered it with kisses.

"Still in the kink?" Beam moaned as he felt Forth's teeth scrape his neck. 

"You can have me all you want when we land on the island. Now, let's go and have a nice breakfast with our family..." Forth groaned as he felt his husband moving away from him.

The couple soon joined the family for a pleasant and laughter-filled breakfast in the gazebo outside in the backyard. Kate, Maya, and Mix decided to go out in the afternoon, so the family decided to stay in and spend time together before Forth and Beam leave for the airport.

"What time is your flight, darling?" Maya asked.

"At one, Mom." He answered as he took a sip of orange juice and his mother nodded. The topic was soon changed to Earth when he started to share a funny incident, that had happened back in China.

Soon it was time for Forth and Beam to leave for the airport. They bid their goodbyes to their family members before leaving. Once they arrived at the airport, everything was smooth sailing from there. The couple checked their bags, made their way through security, and boarded their flight to Malé International Airport in the Maldives once their seats were called. They were lucky to get two straight tickets to the Maldives without any stopping or flight changes.

During the eight-hour flight to the Maldives, Beam had fallen asleep on Forth's shoulder, overcome by exhaustion of their late-night activities and the effects of his medication. Forth spent the time reading his email and reviewing the reports sent in by his assistant. When it was lunchtime, Forth woke up Beam, and the couple had their meals. It was around eight-thirty when they arrived.

"Welcome to the Maldives," the flight attendant announced as the plane taxied to the gate, "Baggage will be at carousel four. We hope you enjoy your stay here if you are visiting, and welcome home if you are returning from a trip. Safe travels, and thank you for flying Emirates."

"Babe, we're here. We're finally on our vacation," Beam said. He then leaned over the wide divider between their two cushy business class seats and gave Forth a quick kiss on the lips.

"You mean our second honeymoon," Forth replied, "And, hey! that's all I get," he added, referring to Beam's little kiss that was followed by nothing else.

"There will be time for more of that later. Besides, we're still in public," Beam smirked.

"Business class isn't private enough for you?" Forth shot back in protest.

"Forth!" Beam raised his eyebrows.

The plane came to a gentle stop, and the seat belt sign went off. The sounds of seat belts buckles being unclicked, overhead bins being opened, and antsy travelers ready to disembark quickly filled the plane. Forth and Beam thanked the flight attendants and descended the metal stairs leading down to the runway. They had collected their bags and were waiting on the curb for a car to pick them up and take them to the resort when Beam turned towards Forth. He was now able to stand without the help of his crutches for at least a little while. He wrapped his arms around Forth's neck and kissed him. It was a long, slow kiss, not like the short peck he had given him on the plane.

"Aren't we still in public?" Forth asked supported Beam's weight.

"I guess so. I couldn't wait until we got to the resort, and we haven't just spent hours on the same plane as most of the people around us," Beam replied with a wink.

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