Chapter 15

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Forth walked back inside with a smile on his face. His gang caught the change and smiled too. "Looks like P'Anna came through. She agreed to help us?" Ngern asked. Forth nodded. Everyone knew Kate as Anna, only her close family knew her real name and identity.

"She has got that fucking asshole in her custody. She told me that Beam needs me more and that I should be with him." Forth said as he leaned against the wall.

"She's right. You gotta go back to the hospital right now." August spoke up as he collected all the photos and files. Forth nodded.

"I'll see you later guys. Bye." Forth left first. He exited the apartment and hopped into his car.

"He's hurting a lot, isn't he?" Max asked once Forth left.

"Yeah...we all know that he gets caught up in his emotions. He regrets last night so much. I hope Beam knows that." Lam sighed as he sat back down at the table.

"He does. But will he be able to forgive him for what Forth said to him in the heat of the moment?" Tul wondered.

"If I said those words, will you forgive me?" Max's face hovered over Tul's. Though Tul was affected by their close proximity, he shook his head.

"Seriously?" Max was surprised. "How can you expect me to forget it? You made a straight man fall in love with you, promise him that you'll spend the rest of your life with him, and then tell him that you can't live with him anymore?! What is fucking wrong with you?!" Tul was caught up in the moment. Max cocked an eyebrow at him. Tul realized that he just got mad at Max over something totally unrelated to them.

"Sorry. But seriously was the hell was Forth thinking when he said all that to Beam?" Tul scoffed.

"I'm pretty sure that Forth's mind was disturbed. And I guess that it has something to do with this Ethan guy." Kao said suddenly.

"What makes you say that?" Pete was confused.

"Think about it this way. You have a lot on your plate at work and then a guy whom you hate the sight of, who you want to stay away from keeps popping up at places you visit and annoying the hell out of you. You try telling him to leave you politely but with people like Ethan, politeness is fucking useless. You wish to fire him but you can't cause he is one of the main business partners for your company. And going home to find your partner or in this case your husband not at home to comfort you because they're busy with their work, it just feeds your anger and disappointment. When you let your feelings out and bottle them inside, you'll finally explode one day. And Forth, he always lets out his emotions when he is angry. But judging the past couple of days, he decided to rather keep his emotions in check than letting go of it. He finally exploded in his argument with Beam." Kao explained.

Everyone around him was shocked by his explanation.

"How do you know that?" Pete asked, surprised by his lover. Kao shrugged.

"Forth and Beam looked stressed out from their work last week. And when Forth spoke of P'Ethan, you can sense the anger and resentment in his tone that seemed like PEthan's annoyance finally got the better of him. We should at least be glad that Forth didn't murder him and go to jail." Everyone agreed to Kao.

"Let's have faith in their love and hope that they forgive each other," Ngern said. Everyone nodded before leaving the apartment and getting into their own car before driving off.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Beam groaned, his head swimming as his eyes fluttered open slowly taking in his surroundings. He was in a hospital room, that much he could tell from the smell and bed he was laying in.

He looks to his side hoping to find his husband but disappointment and hurt took over when he found that his mother was seated on a chair beside him sleeping. He held back his tears.

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