Chapter 20

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"Ethan was Kate's ex-boyfriend." Ryan spoke up. He was expressionless, and his voice was cold.

Kate turned to look at her husband before she stood up and went closer to him. She sat down on his lap, and he automatically wrapped his arms around her waist. He interlinked both his hands by placing them on her tiny four-month-old bump while she ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead.

She then leaned into him before turning to face her family. Everyone was calm and patient. Her parents smiled at her and nodded, encouraging her to continue her past story.

"Back when I was a freshman in the university, I had met Ethan during the Moon and Star gathering. He was representing the Faculty of Engineering while I was from the Faculty of Business Administration. He had started to court me until I finally said yes to being his girlfriend at the end of the competition. We went out on a couple of dates, but our relationship level never went beyond makeout sessions."

Ryan growled internally before burying his head into the back of Kate's hair. He hated that bastard so much. Kate began to calm him down by rubbing his thigh.

"And I thought that I had a possessive husband." Both Beam and Maya said simultaneously.

Beam and his mother-in-law looked at each other surprised before laughing out loud at their frowning husbands. Once Ryan calmed down, and the laughter stopped, Kate resumed her past story.

"During that time, I had met Ryan. He had recently joined the faculty," she smiled at her husband, who pulled her closer.

"Yeah, otherwise he would be the Moon of your faculty." Beam suggested to which Forth glared at him. He leaned in and whispered to Beam.

"Baby, if you wanna walk tomorrow, I suggest you not test my patience." Beam blushed and hid his face in Forth's shoulder. The other four started laughing at this.

"For sure, Beamie." Kate smiled at Ryan before continuing.

"Anyway, we were just friends from the same faculty cause I didn't know what was running in this head of his or knew what his heart was feeling." She smacked her chuckling husband's head slightly.

"Though deep down I had feelings for him more than Ethan, I hadn't realized it. I loved spending time with him a lot. Ethan grew jealous of how close Ryan and I were. So he wanted to take our relationship to the next level. But we didn't have time to meet up cause we had our semester exams. During that time, I had found out his true intentions... I was just a bet he made to impress his friends. I was so fucking furious, I had confronted him in front of the Engineering cafeteria. But he backfired and said that I was cheating on him with Ryan." Even though it has been years since it happened, she still felt the same anger.

"My anger broke out, and I yelled and punched him in his face. He might've been my boyfriend at that time, but he's supposed to trust me and have faith in me and not treat me like a playtoy. I told him that I didn't want to see his face ever again. He realized what he had done and begged for a second chance but I couldn't forgive him. More than the bet news, the news of him accusing me of cheating had spread all over the university. They eventually died down a few weeks later but Ethan, took my words seriously cause I never met him again after a few weeks. He had left to study overseas."

Beam took the photo from Forth's hands and looked at it closely.

"I had met him in the grocery store once." Beam said to Forth's surprise.

"When?" He asked.

"Remember that photo which was taken of me hugging a girl..." Forth internally growled.

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