Chapter 4

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The Crazy Doctor Gang...


Beam entered the room of a 10-year-old boy with Cystic Fibrosis. His parents are present. He bowed and paid respects to them.

"Sawadee krub. I'm Dr. Baramee and I'm Nong Per's doctor. How are you doing?" He introduced himself before directing the question to his patient.

"He-llo Phi!" he tried to say but started to cough hard.

"Can we make all the coughing go away?" The concerned mother asked.

"The drugs that are being administered are for causing coughing. It eventually will make him feel way better," Beam said before he does his check-up. He checks his chest sounds and administers another dose of the drug in the boy's I.V.

"Just keep being strong like this and you will be out of here before you even know it," Beam raised his hand in front of Per. The little boy smiled and gave Beam a high five.

"I'll check up on you later. Okay?" Beam said and Per nodded with a smile. Beam paid respects to his patient's parents before walking out of the room and towards the nurses' desk. He filled in the forms of his patient when the news of a multiple car crash appeared.

The doctors and interns who were on their break and currently free were paged to the lobby. The Chief of Surgery Dr. Kai Nawat was also present as he briefed the situation to all of them.

Kit stood beside Beam as they heard the briefing.

"Where's Pha?" Beam whispered.

"Got paged for an emergency in the ward," Kit answered.

The situation briefed to them was that there was a multiple car crash that took place on the highway. It happened to be close to the hospital. So the patients were being brought in and the doctors in Kongthanin hospital were to treat them.

Beam's phone buzzed. He took it out to see it was none other than Forth. He hung up. When everyone was dispersed, Beam called back his husband.

"I'm sorry but we can't have lunch together today. There was just a huge car accident on Motorway 9 and they are bringing some of the injured here. I got to go babe. Bye." said Beam quickly and hung up before rushing towards the entrance.

"Alright, interns! We have ambulances coming up right now," Doctor May said.

"Intochar you're with me!" Doctor Nic yelled as he rushed to the incoming ambulance.

"Baramee! You're with me" Doctor May called out at the same time.

"Good luck," the two friends said to each other simultaneously before rushing off in two opposite directions.

Two ambulances arrived at Kongthanin hospital. Doors were thrown open by doctors awaiting the traumas.

"Jay Worakamon, 30 sustained blunt head trauma and lost consciousness en route. Vitals are stable, just needs a head CT." Doctor Nic shouted.

Doctor May quickly got into her trauma gown following the other gurney into the trauma bay as the paramedic reeled off the information.

"32-year-old female, Malee Amudee lacerations to the upper arm and thigh on the left side, refused to let us examine her or the baby, and won't give us any information on what happened." The paramedic said as he pulled Beam and May to one side, "I don't think the baby has been breathing for a while, she was found in an alley, a local gave us a call when he saw the cuts." Beam eyed the blue blankets in the woman's arms, a tiny, pale face peeking out from between them.

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