Chapter 6

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Warning: 18+
You can skip the middle part, if it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Forth's day was the usual, filled with meetings and client appointments. He tried his best to wrap up his work at the office as early as possible. He got into his car and finally drove home to pack a few things for his travel.

He packed only his essentials which were needed before stepping into the shower. After the shower, he got ready and grabbed his passport and ticket before leaving his house. It was almost seven, he decided to make a stop before going to the airport.

He parked his car in the parking lot and walked in through the entrance. It was not new that the nurses who were by their station drooled over him.

"Sawadee krub, P'Forth. Here to see P'Beam?" Forth smiled and nodded at the nurse.

"He's in the cafeteria, I just saw him," another nurse said.

"Thank you," Forth said as he headed off in the direction of the cafeteria.

As he entered, he spotted his husband at once. But the sight before him, made him see red. Beam was seated with a few colleagues of his and one of them was sitting so close to him with how arm draped over his husband's shoulder. And he knew that colleague. It was P'Ohm.

He nearly stomped his way through until he stood right next to Beam. Beam looked up and was surprised to see Forth. Ohm quickly removed his hand from Beam's shoulder letting the young intern stand and greet his husband with a kiss. But the glare that Forth gave Ohm never went ignored by everyone including Ohm.

"Forth," Beam wrapped his arms around his husband. "Why aren't you at the airport?" Beam broke the hug.

"I was on my way and thought why not come and surprise you?" Forth smiled seeing his husband's happiness.

"Let's go somewhere else..." Beam pulled his husband away from the piercing eyes and drooling of the nurses despite hearing the whistles from his group of colleagues/friends.

He pulled Forth to one of the on-call rooms and locked the door behind them.

"Looks like someone is jealous..." Beam winked as he wrapped his arms around Forth's neck and Forth pulled Beam in.

"You know I am. How can you let him do that?" Forth whined.

"Babe... He's my senior slash colleague slash friend slash brother. Like I said before, I am always yours and yours alone." Beam smiled as he placed a soft kiss on Forth's forehead.


"Shh..." He hushes, kissing his nose.


"Shh..." He finally kissed his lips.

Forth's anger was cooled down by Beam's usual declaration and the soft kisses. But now he had a hard-on. Beam looked up to see that Forth was back to normal.

"You better get going or else you will be late," Beam said.

"You really are tease you know that," Forth struggled to not lose control. Beam shrugged with a smirk.

"Baby... you know I can't go out like this," Forth looked down and then into Beam's eyes which had a glint of mischief in them.

"C'mon, It'll be quick..." Forth winked.

"That's what you said last time." Beam rolled his eyes and turned around.

"Yeah but this time I'm telling the truth,"

"No Forth! I only have half an hour before work and you have to get to the airport-"

"Ahh, that's plenty of time then!" Forth had his arms caressed around his husband's waist from behind, passionately trailing his hands down to Beam's pants.

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