Chapter 13

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Forth quickly got dressed and got out of the house before hopping in and speeding off in his car. He sped the whole way there, and luckily he wasn't stopped. Kongthanin hospital was only twenty minutes away if you drove normally, so he was there within fifteen minutes.

When he got to the hospital, he parked the car in his Beam's parking spot. He jumped out before sprinting inside. Before asking the nurses' station, they directed him to go straight down the hall to the emergency room. He skidded to a stop when he spotted his friends in the waiting room.

"W-What happened? Where's my Beam?" He asked. His heart was racing from the running, as well as the panic rising in him. Phana stood up from his seat and charged towards Forth's direction, but Kit and Wayo held him.

"Tsk... Look, I know you wanna punch the life out of me, Pha... But I really need to know what happened. H-How is he?" Forth tried to keep his tone normal, but couldn't help his stutter.

"He was in an accident P'Forth. A car came out of nowhere and crashed into P'Beam's car. We had just finished breakfast, and P'Beam left first. We followed him next. He was just a few cars away when we saw what happened." Ming said. He was being the strong one trying to console Kit, who was crying. Even Phana teared up, worried about Beam. Though he tried to remain strong for Wayo, he couldn't.

When they saw the doctor walk out of the emergency room, they all rushed to meet him.

"It's good that you all brought Nong Beam in time. He has suffered a broken leg, a concussion, and a few bruises. But he also has some internal bleeding, so we're prepping him for surgery right this instant." Doctor Nic explained.

"W-will he be alright?" Forth asked, silently crying.

"If the surgery is a success, then he should make a full recovery." He said, and you could hear the sympathy in his voice. Forth's knees gave way when he heard this. If Phana and Ming didn't catch him in time, he would've been on the floor. They made him sit on the chair.

"Don't worry, Forth. The surgery will be a success. Beam is strong and put a little faith in us." he patted Forth's shoulder, and the latter nodded.

"Thank you, P'Nic." everyone waied before he left.

Everyone sat down on the benches waiting. Forth had called his parents as well as Beam's parents and informed them about his accident. Beam's father was in London for a business conference. He said that he would be on the next plane back to Thailand when he had heard the news. His mother was in Chiang Mai visiting some old friends but was returning back now to Bangkok. Forth's parents were in the city and came as soon as they could.

"This is all your fault!" Phana spoke up. "If you didn't fight with him last night, he wouldn't have been in that accident," He gritted his teeth.

"You think I'm not blaming myself, Phana," Forth retorted as he stood up. "I regret everything I said last night. I will I could go back and change the past. But I can't. I hate myself for saying all those things to him," Forth held in his tears.

"You should. Seriously how can you tell your husband that you didn't want to live with him anymore? He loves you so much, you know?" Kit spoke up now. Forth bowed his head down, letting his tears flow.

"Last week, we all had a tight schedule. We didn't even get a chance to get a good night's sleep. When we found time, we would take naps. But Beam, oh no! He didn't sleep. He would sit in that break room and learn to play the guitar. I have never seen him so determined, even in his studies. He hasn't had a good sleep in three days, for heaven's sake! He hasn't even eaten healthy! He's been living on desserts and coffee! And yesterday, he was so excited when his shift was over. I was picking Ming up when I saw Beam's car entering your company. I figured he was there to pick you up as well, despite his tiredness. But when he arrived at my place, he was a mess, Forth! And it's all your fault. I swear, I wanted to 'punch the life out of you', but I knew Beam needed my support. I've never seen him like that, Forth. Do you hear me? Never!" Kit cried out as Ming pulled his lover into a hug.

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