Chapter 19

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Warning: 🔞

Beam's fingers found their way to the hem of Forth's shirt, where he yanked it upwards and it sailed over their heads. Beam's hand that had flung it hit the roof, and he knew that it would turn black and blue tomorrow - as well as more private areas - but at that moment, he didn't give a fuck. All he wanted was one thing at the moment. And that is for Forth to fill him up. He missed the feeling of Forth in him for a week and now he craved him so much.

"Baby, I-I want you...n-now." Beam stuttered as his growing hunger was taking over and making him go crazy like a dog in heat.

"Shh... love, I-I need to prepare you. D-Don't worry, it's all yours. But first I really do n-need to prepare you..." Forth said breathless from their kisses as he leaned over to the dashboard and took out a packet of travel lube. The couple always has stock in their cars for times like this.

"Quick..." Beam begged and the sight of Beam begging made Forth let out a growl before ripping open the packet, wetting his fingers while he claimed Beam's lips.

Forth ran a slick finger down his crack, nudging it against the rim making Beam buck his hips up with a loud moan.

"You like that, don't you baby?" Forth questioned, of course, knowing the answer already. He slowly pushed his lubed finger into Beam as if they have all the time in the world, briefly grazing his prostate before moving further away not willing to give in right away. Eventually, Forth added another finger, filling him up more, although evidently not enough for Beam's liking. Forth was holding himself so much as the slurping sound of Beam's hole was enough to make him painfully hard, not to mention the look on his husband's face. Beam's eyes were drawn closed in concentration, his brow scrunched, and his mouth opened in a perfect "o". Then, Beam's eyes shot open and he let out a deep moan as Forth finally hit his prostrate. The control which Forth had was all gone as his beast side was ready to take over.

"God, what's taking you so long? Just fuck me already," Beam moaned, trying to spread his legs wider and grinding their crotches together. Forth smirked.

"Whatever you say, baby," he said as his fingers retreated making Beam whimper at the loss.

"Cause if I don't get to be inside of you right now..." he trailed off and Beam understood him perfectly. He kissed Forth.

In the moment of the kiss, Beam took Forth's searing cock and zealously guided it to his entrance. Using his hand, he first ran the solid rod along his slit, giving Forth a taste of what was to come. Forth released a deep grumbling sound, letting loose a string of enthusiastic cusses.

Slowly, taking in every feeling, Beam descended upon the shaft pointed at his threshold, and let it penetrate him. Their lips were still connected as every inch of Forth edged into Beam causing the latter to gasp as the smarting sensation momentarily swept through his body while his body adjusted to the massive intrusion.

"Aawwww.. you're so fucking big!" He said into Forth's mouth, his nerves trembling while his whole body welcomed the foreign object. After days of not receiving this kind of loving, it felt like a whole new experience to Beam. His body needed to adjust as his insides felt like they were fighting not to tear apart.

Forth noticed Beam's grimace and halted his kisses with great concern.

"Babe, are you okay? Am I hurting you?" Beam swallowed thickly and shook his head,

"I'm okay...I was just adjusting," he laid his hands flat against Forth and sat up, finally feeling the pain diminish significantly, giving way to a sudden wave of excitement that made him involuntarily throw his head back.

"You've tightened up so much," Forth gleefully observed, "Guess I'm just gonna have to give it to you every day.."

"Well, I can't agree more," Beam responded with a smirk and a kiss, his body starting to move up and down slowly at first.

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