Chapter 7

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Warning: 🔞
If you're uncomfortable skip the chapter from the middle.

Ohm grabbed his guitar and started pointing out different components of the instrument.

"Here's a crash course of the parts. Here's the headstock, and these are the tuning keys. The keys keep the strings in tune. Speaking of, these here are the strings..."

Two hours of foundation training later, Beam was ready to start. He put his hands where Ohm had shown him for a C chord, inhaled, and strummed-a discordant jangle was his reward. Slightly miffed, he continued plucking at the strings, failing to generate more than an unpleasant jangled sound.

"Tsk. It's so hard!" He whined dejectedly, hanging his head and pouting. Ohm chuckled.

"You're not pressing down on the frets enough." He said as he leaned forward to show him the way. "You've got to press down all the way on the strings, or they won't vibrate right." He then instructed Beam to play the chord with his other hand across the strings.

"Get it?" He nodded.

They practiced till one in the night. Beam's tiredness started to surface just as Mick finished his work at the office.

"I better get going, P'Ohm. I have the morning shift tomorrow," Beam stood up after placing the guitar on its stand.

"Yeah. Okay, Nong." Ohm also stood up just as Mick entered.

"Hey, babe. Work done?" Ohm asked to which Mick nodded. Ohm embraced his Mick sideways.

"Oh... You two are done with the guitar lesson?" Beam nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow, P'Ohm. Thank you so much. Bye for now!" Beam bowed before leaving.

"Bye Nong!" Mick and Ohm sent Beam off before locking up their academy and walking to Mick's car.

Beam entered his house. Though he was tired and he just wanted to collapse onto the bed, he dragged himself to the bathroom and took a shower. He changed into his nightclothes and went to bed. He cuddled into Forth's pillow. The lingering scent of his husband tickled into his nose as he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.


The next day was a pretty usual day for Beam. He woke up and went to the hospital. He received a call from Forth during lunch and they spoke for a little while. Forth even said that he was returning that very night just like he promised. But Beam had an idea to tease him.

"Babe..." He whined.

"Please don't tell me that you have work," Forth sighed in disappointment.

"I'm sorry babe. But one of the interns called in sick today, so I have to cover his shift. I'm so sorry. I'll be back home latest by midnight" Beam lied.

"It's alright love. I'll wait for you to come home." Forth said softly while Beam smirked.

"I'll make it up to you tonight," he teased with a husky voice.

"Love..." Forth warned. Beam chuckled.

"I'll see you tonight babe. Love you," Beam blushed.

"I love you too. See you tonight, love" Forth said and the couple hung up.

Beam finished his shift by five and went to the academy. Since Ohm couldn't be there to teach him as he had surgery to do, Mick decided to help Beam by teaching him the next chords to the song.

Beam finished his practice by seven and went home to cook dinner for Forth and himself. He rummaged the cupboards for the pots and filled one with water. He set it on the stove to boil for the noodles for the pad Thai. He placed the dessert he bought on two plates and kept it in the fridge. He cut up the necessary vegetables for it. He also made a simple chicken soup.

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