Chapter 1

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Warning: 18+ in the beginning.

The city of Bangkok, with a population of over a hundred thousand, was finally becoming more and more awake as the sun came to the skies. Cars were everywhere, making their usual honking sounds, begging the other cars in front of them to move hoping to make it to their jobs or back to their homes after a long night shift.

In one of Bangkok's warm homes, Beam opened his eyes as sunshine filtered in the room.

Beam Baramee Vongviphan now Jamornhum was in heaven.

He was caught somewhere in that half-conscious, half-asleep world where everything was peaceful and dreamy and weightless. He knew vaguely that he was asleep, but he wasn't particularly bothered by it. He was comfortable, and he saw no reason to change that.

And so he floated, his body as light as the air around him, his thoughts drifting randomly, each topic is forgotten as it passed through his mind but his happiness who was the love of his life was the only one he thought of.

He slowly woke up to the soft hue of the morning sunshine on his face and the warm smile of his husband Forth beside him. He returned the smile "When are you going to stop doing that?" he blushed before burying his face into his husband's chest.

"Never," Forth replied as he kissed the top of Beam's head and pulled him closer to him if that's possible.

"I can't believe that our honeymoon is over," Forth mumbled against his husband's hair. Beam cuddled up even more by throwing his leg over him when he felt his husband's arousal.

"Didn't get enough baby?" Beam propped his head with his chin resting onto Forth's chest as he stared into his eyes. Forth rolled them over so that Beam was now under him. Beam wrapped his arms around Forth's neck and pulled him closer.

"I can never get enough from you," Forth's husky voice made him shudder. Beam bit his ear which earned a growl from Forth before his lips were taken in a passionate kiss. Their lips and tongues synchronized in a sensual symphony.

"We're g-gonna be late... Forth" Beam was breathless from the kiss but Forth moved onto his neck, leaving the little trails of tiny red marks there.

Beam moaned and bit his lip as Forth licked and bit his way down his chest, pausing at his nipple. He swirled his tongue around the bud, causing him to arch his back and squirm.

"Forth... Stop teasing..." He gasped as Forth got rid of their boxers which were the only material separating them.

After a bit of foreplay, Beam's body rose off the bed in an arc before Forth captured his lips again, his thrusts long and purposeful. Beam shuddered.

"F-Faster! Fuck!!!" Beam moaned as Forth began to speed up his movements, going in and out of Beam at a dizzying pace. He cried out and reached for the headboard, his other hand tangled hopelessly in Forth's dark hair. They were both shaking now, their minds completely caught up in the moment.

Forth reached his hand down, taking Beam's throbbing member into his hand. Beam's eyes flew open, and he vaguely took in Forth's sweat-beaded skin, his piercing eyes, his loving yet concentrated expression. Then Forth began to pump at the pace of his thrusts, and Beam's eyes fluttered closed again.

It was only a short time later that Beam felt his stomach tightening.

"F-Forth, I-I'm coming!" He sucked in a deep breath.

"Cum for me, baby..." Forth's husky voice made him shudder.

He knew Forth was close by the erratic pattern of his thrusts, and though he wanted to wait for him, he simply couldn't hold back any longer. He came with a loud cry of ecstasy, feeling his release and registering numbly that Forth was coming, as well.

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