Chapter 14

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Everyone stood in shock.

"So you're the cause for Beam's accident?" Phana's anger slowly rose. Forth wiped his tears away.

"I wouldn't punch me right now if I were you, Phana." Forth's sudden cold voice sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Phana gulped. Forth was mad. Scratch that. He's furious.

Forth took out his phone. He dialed a number. "Where are you?"

"30 seconds? What are you, the Flash?" Forth asked sarcastically.

"The answer for the first question is 'Yes' and for the second one, 'I wish.' " Lam was now standing behind Forth as he hung up the call. Forth turned around and just stared at him.

"Don't give me that look. I drove all the way from Hua Hin. I ditched a meeting to be here when I heard the news." Lam said.

"Fine. Let's go. We need the team." Forth walked off towards the elevator, which Lam came through a few minutes back. Lam quickly waved at the shocked and still, confused gang before following his 'boss' of a friend.

"I need details, boss" Lam rolled his eyes.

"Beam's accident was planned. It was a murder attempt and I need to find the mastermind behind it." Forth broke his finger knuckles.

Lam gulped. Looks like the calm Forth is gone for now. Say hello to the Furious Forth. There is going to be a fire soon. Whoever this person is messed with the wrong guy.

Oh boy! That person is gonna rot in hell, that's for sure.

Lam thought as he sent a message to the team.

Forth walked out of the hospital and towards the parking lot. He hopped into his car with Lam getting into his own. Forth reached home and grabbed some things before he changed his car for his bike. He sped down the road, to get to the team's secret hideout. This hideout is an apartment rented out under Lam's name when they were in the second year of college. It was used by the Engineering gang for emergency meetings alone, for example like this one.

When Forth reached the place, he found Lam's car already parked. He quickly took the stairs and entered the apartment with his own personal key before closing the door. He found Pete and Kao sitting on the couch discussing why they were called in with Lam texting on his phone.

 "Where are the others?" Forth asked.

"On their way... I guess..." Kao shrugged nervously.

Forth turned to Lam. He was impatient. He needed to find that fucking jerk who wanted to take away his Beam. He wanted to crush that little piece of shit and make him suffer in so many ways. Physically and mentally. Lam motioned for Forth to wait a minute as he spoke on the phone when the door was unlocked, and in walked another member.

It was Ngern Anupart.

"Sorry, boss... I couldn't come sooner. I just got back from Chiang Mai. My sister had her baby, so I couldn't be here to support you." He patted Forth's shoulder. Forth nodded.

He then gestured for others to go into the next room which was supposed to be a dining room.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start this meeting." Forth stated.

"Not everyone. Some are still missing." Pete interrupted.

"They aren't coming tonight, Pete," Lam said but was proven wrong when the two other members who were late walked in.

"Looking for us?" One of the handsome men spoke as he pulled out a chair for the other to sit.

"I can't believe you two showed up! It's your honeymoon! You're supposed to be on a romantic cruise or on a beach somewhere!" Ngern stated.

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