Chapter 8

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The next morning Beam was glad that he didn't have a morning shift. His hips were aching and he felt sore all over. He hissed and gritted his teeth as he sat up and rested against the headboard. Forth walked into the room, ready for work in his suit carrying the breakfast tray with him.

"Morning baby, I made breakfast for you." He pecked Beam's lips before placing the tray in front of him.

"Good morning, love. Thanks," he smiled despite the pain he was in.

"And there's the pain killers for you to take after you eat to ease your pain. I'm still so sorry baby," Forth had a worried and concerned look.

Beam quickly tugged his tie and pulled him into a fierce and passionate kiss. "I told you. Don't be!" Beam said sternly after they broke apart from that breathless kiss.

"Okay, love. I have a meeting to get to." Forth quickly tried to fix his tie in front of the mirror.

"Hey, babe, come here." Beam beckoned him with his finger. Forth chuckled as he walked towards him. He bent down for Beam to fix his tie for him.

"Did you have breakfast?" Forth nodded sheepishly.

"It's no problem. Go ahead. You have a meeting to attend to," Forth smiled.

"I'll see you tonight, love" Forth gave one last kiss to his Beam before leaving the room.

Beam slowly ate his breakfast in silence and took the pills. He laid back down to rest until he felt better. A half an hour later, he did. He went downstairs to see what had to be done. As he stepped into the kitchen he realized he had to go grocery shopping. Well, his shift starts at one and it was only ten, he could make a trip to the grocery store.

He went back upstairs to take a shower and throw on a casual T-shirt and a pair of short pants. After his marriage to Forth, Beam didn't care about his outer appearance. He needed to look presentable in public but at the same time not to draw much attention. He loves Forth so much that he doesn't care what others think or look his way. Even if Beam just goes out with Forth looking smart and handsome, he knows his husband gets his possessive mode on and turned jealous that entire night. Well, it's not his fault for being born handsome and beautiful at the same time. And in addition to that, he really can't blame Forth for becoming like that when he himself feels the same way when he sees the looks directed to Forth.

Beam got into his car and drove to the nearest convenience store to do his grocery shopping. He parked his car before getting out and walking towards the entrance. He wrapped his hands around the cart handle and pulled a cart free before walking in through the aisle section.

He skipped the first few aisles to get to the noodles.

"Ramen...Ramen...Ramen... Ah, there." Beam muttered as he took out a couple of ramens and put them down in his shopping cart. He then bought a few other snacks and other necessary things needed.

A few aisles later, he reached the vegetable and fruits section.

He went to the tomatoes and searched for some nice red ones. As he found a bunch of them which looked just great, he squeezed them a bit to see, if they had the right consistency.

He was on his way to the next aisle when another cart dashed into his at the intersection.

"I'm so sorry Phi! I didn't see you," The guy apologized.

"It's alright. No one got hurt," Beam smiled.

"Once again sorry, Phi, " The guy said before he backed away and went the other way. Beam shook his head and went down the aisle to get cereal.

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