Chapter 10

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Beam was doing his rounds of checkups on his patients. The last patient of the day was P'Rose. She was admitted to the hospital after she was found in her apartment with a cut wrist. She had tried to commit suicide after her husband left her. But her best friend happened to stop by and get her to the hospital in time. Though she had recovered, the hospital wanted to keep her under observation. Her best friend also booked her an appointment with the hospital's psychiatrist.

Beam was the doctor who treated her along with May. Today May called in sick, so Beam being the intern who was placed under her guidance had to fill in for her.

He walked into Rose's room to find her staring out at the beautiful sunset outside the window. She looked happy and beautiful with the sunlight shining against her pale skin. But her depressed look with sadness in her eyes betrayed the beauty of happiness. Beam didn't know what he could say to her to ever console her. So he decided to remain calm and do his work.

"Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue?" Rose suddenly asked.

"I remember the day I once asked my husband who was once my best friend when I was little "Why is the sky blue?" But he didn't know how to answer it but asked me why I wanted to know. I told him it's because the sky is the prettiest blue I have ever seen, and I want to know how to capture that color and hold it to my heart forever." Her eyes glistened and she finally let her tears fall down her cheeks.

"When he proposed to me, he said that he had fallen in love with me at that very moment," she still didn't look at Beam.

"At our wedding, we vowed to always love and trust each other. To never hurt or betray our love for each other. So much for his love that he never trusted me. He accused me of cheating and left me!" she sobbed. Beam didn't know what to do. He just moved forward and placed his hand on her shoulder before giving a squeeze.

"It'll be alright," he said. "Give it some time." He continued to check her vitals.

"You know Doc, I loved him so much, I still do. As our marriage progressed we grew into strangers. We were busy with our own work that we didn't pay attention to each other. We didn't communicate well. But that doesn't mean he can accuse me of cheating," her voice was filled with anger and sadness. She was quiet for some time. Beam didn't say anything too.

"I can't imagine my life without him. But at the same time I can never be with a person who can never trust me," she let out an exasperated sigh. "I don't know what to do. Doc, do you have any treatment where I can get rid of this pain in my chest?" she turned to ask Beam. He knew it wasn't a physical pain she was suffering from but the effects of being heartbroken.

"P'Rose, I told you everything will be fine. The wound is still fresh. It will take some time to heal. But always remember sometimes we have to be broken so that we can be rebuilt into what we're actually meant to be," he smiled thinly. This made Rose think about her life.

"Doc Beam, are you married?" She asked just as he had finished checking her wrist which showed the healing scar. "Yes I am," he smiled.

"Well judging by your good looks, I can say that your wife must be so beautiful." She said.

"Actually I will say that my husband is more handsome and much better than any woman in my life" he smirked which made the woman chuckle and hide her face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." She couldn't find the words to apologize before Beam cut in.

"It's alright, P'Rose. I'm used to it. I'm proud to tell others that I have a handsome husband," he chuckled.

"Good for you, Doc," For the first time she was brought to the hospital Rose's lips curved up into a genuine smile.

"P'Rose, don't let this define who you are. Know your worth. Know the difference between what you're getting and what you deserve. Think before harming yourself," Beam smiled before turning to leave.

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