Chapter 21

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"My father?" Ethan's eyes widened in shock. The three nodded before showing him the photos of his father, Khun Suttirat hiring the driver of the car which crashed into Beam's.

"But why?" He was baffled.

"Well, judging from the details you just gave us, it's pretty obvious. Your father is an avaricious businessman. He is a selfish and arrogant person who doesn't care about the feelings of the people who get hurt in the process." Kate's voice was cold.

"He's being brought in as we speak. You two have only five minutes top with him." She pointed at Ethan before turning around and exiting the room. Ethan just stared after her and was brought by to reality with Forth clearing his throat. Ethan smirked.

"Looks like someone owes me an apology~," he said in a sing-song tone. Forth clenched his fist.

"Can you shut the fuck up, Phi?"

"And why should I apologize. You did try to break us up. And don't you ever think that I will forgive you for that. You have no idea of how much we had to go through." Forth felt the pain in his heart just by thinking about it. Beam quickly held his hand, trying to comfort him. He had guessed it right. Forth was thinking about their fight.

"But you both fought through it. You came out stronger than before, right?" The couple looked at Ethan, who just gave a thin smile. "Some couples just give up on their relationship just for a silly fight. But true love always finds its way back to each other. I'm glad that I didn't come in the way of separating you both, but by making your love for each other stronger."

Beam smiled slowly.

"Well, I can't disagree with that. When you look at it in that way, it does seem pretty positive. We have sorted out all our differences, and now our love is indeed stronger than before." He looked up Forth, who returned the same loving gaze back at him. Ethan felt the awkwardness and cleared his throat, bringing the couple back to reality.

"Well, I'm not expecting a thank you, but a glass of water would do..." he said. Kate turned to Mo and gestured to him before the man got Ethan a glass of water.

"So Ethan... did your father tell you anything about his plans to kill Beam?" Forth popped the question.

"Look, me and my father. We don't get along. We don't mind each other's businesses. I only agreed with my father to court you because he blackmailed me. He said that I wouldn't get my share in the family business if I don't do what he says. What do you expect me to do? Go against him and end up on the streets?" He shook his head.

"Hell, no!" He said.

"I agree with the same words as Kate... I mean Anna... My father is a cold-hearted, arrogant and selfish person." He sighed.

"On a different note, how come Anna and Kate looking exactly the same? Are you really cousins?" He directed the question to Forth, who rolled his eyes. At the same time, Forth's phone buzzed, and it was a message from Kate asking him to wrap up their little investigation.

"We will deal with you later. Right now, we have a criminal to be placed behind bars." Forth said as he signaled Beam to leave.

"Oh, come on! It's rude to walk away from a conversation, you know!" Ethan yelled after them. Forth raised his middle finger as he walked out. Ethan rolled his eyes and chuckled at this. He never wanted to get onto the bad side of Forth in the first place itself. He just wanted to be friends with him. Well, after all, if he wasn't a jerk before, Forth would be his brother-in-law at present. But life had its own course, which was a lonely path for him. He still regretted not letting Kate know his true feelings before it was too late.

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