Chapter 17

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"I think that we should take some time off. To let the situation around us cool down. We need to spend some time away. The time away will do us good."

Tears flowed down Forth's face and he didn't do anything to wipe it away. Beam slowly reached out despite the pain in his side and wiped Forth's tears away. Forth leaned into his touch and held onto Beam's hand.

"Please don't do this to us... I'm really sorry for hurting you. It pains me to see you like this. Don't do this baby... I can't live without you, love..." Forth's words made a few tears escape from Beam's eyes. Forth looked down and continued to cry his eyes out. He didn't want to look into Beam's eyes at the moment for he knew he couldn't stand the pain.

Beam chuckled.

"Hey dumbass, hear me out first!" Beam slowly smacked his head. Forth looked up surprised. Beam pulled Forth closer by his collar, "Do you really think that I can even live without you beside me for a single day?" Forth was stunned.


"I said I think that 'we' should take some time off. To let everything around us cool down while we get to spend some time away from this place. It will do us some good as we get to be together," Beam said with a smirk. He knew his little stunt will be an act of perfect revenge.

"You tricked me? I can't believe you did that! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Forth was shocked.

"That my husband is what's called as sweet revenge. Now we're even." Beam chuckled. "Boop!" Beam poked Forth's nose.

Forth gave an unamused look before smashing their lips together.

Beam responded immediately, tilting his head to deepen the kiss by sliding his tongue into Forth's mouth.

He forgot all about the bruises on his hands as he moved his hands down and snaked them under Forth's shirt, feeling the hot skin on his toned stomach sending shivers down his spine.

Forth disconnected their lips and moved down to kiss Beam's jaw and down his neck, him moaning pleasantly the entire time, which was music to Forth's ears. He moved his lips back up and attached them to his, kissing his husband passionately. It was hot and heavy and he loved every minute of it.

They pulled away breathless with their heads resting against each other.

"I've missed you, my Beam." Forth whispered into Beam's ear. Beam shivered as he heard Forth's husky voice.

"I missed you too, my Forth." They stared into each other's eyes before leaning in for another kiss. Their lips brushed gently against each other. This kiss was unlike the previous one. Forth pressed his lips softly to Beam's, like he might break. It was a kiss so tender, so loving, it made Beam's body tingle and course with warmth. Beam's hands slightly gripped the collar tight, desperate to never lose his husband again. All his senses melting into Forth as their lips touched. The same goes for Forth. He gripped the back of Beam's shirt in desperation and in hope, to never lose his Beam.

They parted breathlessly as they continued to stare into each other's eyes.

"I promise that I will never hurt you in the future. I know I've said this before, for that I'm so sorry. But I mean it this time. I promise." Forth whispered.

"I believe you," Beam said as a tear fell.

"But you have to promise that you will never leave me again." Forth said and Beam looked up. He nodded.

"I'll never leave you even if you tell me to."

They shared a kiss.

"Good." Forth said with a smile which Beam returned.

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