Chapter 12

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Beam was a mess. He was crying so much not even caring about the throbbing headache he has. All he could feel was the pain in his chest. The feeling of being heartbroken by the one you truly love. Though he didn't do anything wrong, he felt like it was his fault at the moment. That this was karma coming back to hurt him. And it hurt like a bitch.

He didn't know where to go in the middle of the night. It was around one in the morning when he got the strength to knock on the door. When the person who opened the door stepped out, Beam looked up to see his best friend's face before collapsing into Kit's arms. He clung to him as he cried into his shoulder leaving a confused and shocked Kit and Ming.

Kit pulled him inside and let him sit in the living room while Ming poured Beam a glass of water. The couple couldn't still comprehend the situation of their friend. He never spoke a word but kept on crying. They didn't pressurize him in talking rather they waited for him to calm down. The apartment that the couple was staying in was a double bedroom one. So once Beam calmed down they made him get comfortable in the bed. They stayed with him until he fell asleep. Once he did, they couldn't sleep knowing that Beam was hurting on the inside. They left the room to talk.

"I can't understand Ming... What did the hell happen? And where is this asshole Forth?" Kit was confused.

"I think they had a fight P'Kit. It's obvious, isn't it? Or else P'Beam won't be alone right now and in this state." Ming said as the couple sat down on the couch.

"But all these years, they fight and argue. But the next moment, they kiss and make up. That's Forth and Beam. This is bad Ming... I'm still shocked over all this. I've never seen Beam like this at all. And trust me, it's heartbreaking for me to see him like this. I can't imagine how Pha will be like when he sees Beam," Kit buried his head in his hands.

"It'll be alright P'Kit. Let have faith in their love. Let's figure it all out in the morning. P'Beam needs to rest," Ming consoled Kit by rubbing his back. Kit nodded and leaned into Ming's hug. The couple made themselves comfortable lying on the couch. They couldn't sleep happily in their bedroom when they were worried about Beam.

Meanwhile Forth was at the night bar. He needed a drink but unfortunately, there wasn't any beer left at home. He wanted to remind Beam to add it to the grocery list but it simply slipped his mind. So he had to drive all the way to the bar, for a drink.

He sat down on the barstool and ordered a glass of scotch. Just as he was at his second glass, a loud noisy group of men entered. Forth didn't mind them at all as he gulped down the alcohol in his glass. Though he didn't want to eavesdrop on the conversation of friends behind him who are all settled in a booth, he eventually did especially when he heard a familiar name being called.


"Hey Ohm, how come we didn't meet you last week? You canceled our plans..." A friend of his spoke up.

"Yeah man, we missed you and Nong Mick at the game," another friend said.

"Yeah... Mick was busy with work and I had to teach Nong Beam to play the guitar," he said as he sipped his beer. Forth's fingers curled into a fist.

"Why would someone want to learn guitar so late at night?" Someone in the group asked.

"Well, asshole..." he smacked the guy's head. "He wants to surprise his husband for his birthday by playing a song for him. And it's not easy to learn to play the guitar without basics. His husband's birthday is coming up soon and he has a tight schedule at the hospital" Ohm shrugged.

"Wow," one of them said. "Yeah... I didn't think he would actually go through with it. You know how it is when you learn to play for the first time right, Noh?" His friend Noh nodded.

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