Chapter 16

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Beam was in deep thought looking up at the ceiling. He was thinking about the time before he met with an accident.

After leaving the breakfast place, he got into his car and pulled out of the parking lot. He was trying his best to keep his tears at bay and not let them blur his vision while driving. He finally calmed down. The road he took was casual. There wasn't any traffic, so there was no pressure. He turned up the radio, hoping that the music will divert his mind for a little while at least. But the next moment everything seemed to happen so quickly.

All he could hear was the screeching of tires on asphalt, the crunching of metal. He couldn't tell what had even crashed into his car as his head whipped forward and slammed into the steering wheel. It only took seconds for his eyes to close and the world around him to fade away. The only word he was able to mutter before he passed out was...


Beam took a deep breath as he sat up slowly. He couldn't remember anything that happened after that. But now his mind seemed to remember Forth's words during their fight.

"Stop the excuses, Beam! Just tell me the truth! You've got bored of me, haven't you? That's why you are now going after others!"

"Am I not enough for you Beam?"

"Because of who you were Beam... You were the Casanova! I was afraid that this day would come! The day that you would leave me..."

"Fuck! Leave me alone! From now on, you're different and I'm different. We walk on separate paths! I don't want to be with you anymore!"

Tears streamed down his face as he shut his eyes tight hoping that the pain in his heart would reduce. He was brought back to reality when his two friends barged in. He quickly wiped away his tears before his friends saw him but they already noticed it.

"Beamie!" Kit hugged him.

"Kit... Too tight...hurts..." Beam let out a sigh of relief when Kit released him from the hug. Phana was careful when he hugged Beam next. He didn't want to hurt him any more than he already is.

"How you're doing?" Phana asked, his voice was filled with concern. Beam shrugged.

"Beam..." Kit said in a soft voice.

Beam took a deep breath before shaking his head and biting his lips, trying to hold back the tears in his eyes. Phana and Kit immediately hugged him on either side.

Beam calmed down. Kit pulled out a tissue box from behind his back and handed it to Beam making him chuckle at the gesture. Phana smiled.

"Hey Beam, do you want to talk about it?" Phana asked as he looked into Beam's red, watery eyes. Beam blinked. He looked at Kit who had the same worrisome face. He slowly nodded. He knew that they would never let him go this time. Phana and Kit shifted in their seat and sat in a position where they were both facing Beam.

"You guys know that Forth and I had a fight..." He took a deep breath before narrating the entire story about that particular night. He choked at few parts while gritting his teeth at some.

Phana and Kit listened carefully and patiently avoiding the thoughts of butting in between which they always do. They wanted to hear Beam out.

Beam slowly rested his head back against his pillow once he was done. His friends were quiet. Looks like they were processing everything Beam told them. At first, he didn't want to share every single detail, but this was Phana and Kit. They always share their problems with each other in the hope of helping each other to solve them.

"Before we tell you of what we think, what do you feel Beam?" Phana asked. He wanted to know what Beam's thought was.

"It's heartbreaking Pha. But I can't live without him. It's true. At the same time, I can't just forgive and forget about our fight." Beam let out a frustrated sigh.

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