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Love It When He's Jealous


Author's Pov

The ring bell not so long after, implying that the first-class already started. "Okay let's begin..." Jungkook said as he walks towards the whiteboard bringing a textbook and also pen marker in his hand while Jimin who sit at back, follow every step he made.

He doesn't know what happened but it feels like his eyes can control themselves because damn, he doesn't want to watch his mathematic teacher's actions but there he is, watching Jungkook like there's nobody else in the room while Taehyung who noticed this, sighs for the ninth time that morning.

Hell, he never sighs that much before in his life but his best friend makes him do that. "Bitch, stop daydreaming, I already warned for the eighth time today!" Taehyung yelled-whispered at Jimin who didn't even flinch nor care about what his best friend talk about as he was still in his dream, staring at his teacher from afar.

"You like him, don't you?" Taehyung asked and finally manage to broke whatsoever imagination Jimin had inside his head as he chokes on his saliva, shocked by the sudden question. Of course, he didn't like Jungkook, he hates that jerk, why would he like him?

"What did you say?" Jimin asked back, scared if he's the only one who hears that but judging by Taehyung's face, the male indeed questions him that. "Oh hell no-" Jimin said as he frowned upon Taehyung's statement, denying a bubbly feeling inside his stomach, every time they talked about their Mr.Jeon, wait, no... His Mr. Jeon.

"Oh hell yes!" Taehyung mocked him as Jimin rolled his eyes and glance at Jungkook who was back facing them, writing math formulas on the board. "Nah, I would never like that jerk..." Jimin cursed under his breath goes unheard by everyone except for Taehyung because the male sits right beside him.

"Sure~" Taehyung said and Jimin huffed, knowing his best friend didn't believe in him. "Okay, yesterday I already taught-" Jungkook didn't finish his sentence when an unknown student suddenly appeared in front of the glass door as he glances at the boy.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked strictly as he walks towards the newly-boy. "I'm a new student here..." The boy said as Jungkook nodded and permit him to enter the class. "Introduce yourself..." Jungkook said and the boy nodded as he stands in the middle of the class at the front, looking at everyone but stuck when his eyes land on a certain boy who was at the back, not even looking at him.

Of course, it was none other than Jimin...

The boy was mesmerizing by the sight of Jimin, looking outside the window, as his head tilts to the right a little bit. He didn't notice he was staring until Jungkook's voice echoed the class, breaking his trance but surprisingly, the voice is colder than just now he used with the boy.

"I'm sorry. I'm No-Min-Woo, I moved from Japan to here, please treat me well..." The boy named, Min Woo said as he turns around looking at Jungkook. "Where can I sit?" He asked politely and wish he can sit beside the beautiful boy because he noticed the left seat beside Jimin is indeed empty, so he rather take this opportunity to know the male more.

But of course, that would never happen, not when Jungkook's noticed he was staring at Jimin. He swears, he almost punches the shit outta this boy that time- luckily for him, he managed to control himself. "Is there any seat left here?" Jungkook asked and wander his eyes around the class, and cursed under his breath when he noticed the only chair that left empty is beside Jimin- because they didn't dare to sit beside the principal yet rude son.

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