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We Need To Stop Here


Author's Pov

Just like the beginning of the story, it was in the morning where all people in the neighborhood wake up and were ready to start their new day however this time there's a little bit of change...

The certain titanium hair-colored boy who was usually in his deep sleep is already wide awake while laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Jimin couldn't sleep after their little argument last night.

He has been thinking for hours about who to choose... But he just couldn't... He knows he couldn't live without both. He loves Jungkook too much it will hurt him the most if he chooses his parents.  But at the same time, Jimin knows himself better than anyone else... He needs his parents.

He sighed as he sat up and glanced outside the window, noticed the sunlight greeted him just like usual. Jimin didn't smile nor anything, he keep his emotionless state as he moved his legs, landing them on the cold tiles.

"I don't wanna go to school..." He mumbled under his breath, as he stood up and walked towards the window before slid the curtain slowly, letting the orange-colored sunlight greeted his pale yet smooth baby skin.  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, wanted to clear his mind but then a certain teacher entered his mind.

Jimin immediately opened his eyes in shock because he almost forgot the fact he will see Jungkook every morning. He loves to see the teacher every morning, but now that he got into a hard situation, meeting Jungkook in the early morning is not what he wants. It doesn't help him but only made him sadder than he already was.

Unplanned, a tear left Jimin right eye, wetting his cheek by all of these thinkings. He wanted to scream, shout and even yell at the world for being unfair but he knows he couldn't. He knows that their relationship is legal in the first place. But could you blame him?

After Jimin got assaulted, he couldn't see the beautiful rainbow colors from his sight anymore. He began to be fierce, unkind, and even cold making everyone around him left him. He didn't say much or even conversing with others like he used to. But then, Jungkook came into his life without any warning and makes him see how beautiful a rainbow can be... Jimin couldn't help but fall in love with Jungkook for that.

"How could I choose?" Jimin asked himself, silently hoping to get an answer from out of nowhere but he knows he will never get it because he, himself needed to choose. Jimin whimpered a little as he wiped his tears harshly before walked away from the window and heading towards the bathroom, decided to come early to school.

He paced inside the toilet after stripped himself away and was about to step inside the shower area when he accidentally catch a glimpse of his face in the mirror. This caught his attention as he halted his steps and looked at himself in the mirror for the second time that morning.

Jimin has bags under his eyes, probably because of the lack of sleep and his skin looked so pale... Not enough that, his lips that used to be plump and rosy pink are now purple-ish and dried out as his hair is blown. Easy to say, he still looks like him but in a different kind of way.


Undoubtedly, Jimin slapped his face hoping he will get stronger after and his cry will stop but tears crawled up from his eyes further. "Shit!! CONTROL YOURSELF JIMIN!!" He yelled angrily at the mirror, telling himself to stop crying because the problem is not that big of a deal. Well, indeed the issue is not that big but somehow it managed to damage him deeply.

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