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My Heart Acne By The Thought Of You Loving Someone Else


Author's Pov

"What was that?" Jungkook asked with a smile after Jimin broke the kiss as his hand still placed on Jimin's waist while the boy wrapped his hand around his teacher's neck along with his lower torso which was wrapped by his student's long legs. "It's nothing," Jimin said, avoiding the topic further because suddenly there's an unknown feeling inside him that caused him to feel scared.

"Mr. Jeon, can I asked you a question?" Jimin asked as he moved his hands down, and landed them on Jungkook's hard chest while looking at the male in his eyes, unknowingly this only caused Jungkook to fall deeper by the wide sea inside Jimin's crescent eyes... "Ask me anything..." Jungkook assured but somehow he comprehends whatever question Jimin is about to ask is not gonna be a good one. Or at least the effect won't be good.

"Do you... Ever fall in l-love?" Jimin asked stuttered but still managed to let out his words as Jungkook froze a little bit before finally recollected himself. Well, he didn't expect this kind of question actually... 'I guess my assumption is bad...' Jungkook thought implied the moment where he said the question will affect them... But oh, it did affect Jimin...

"Fall in love? Yeah... I fall in love once..." Jungkook said truthfully but the only difference is that he didn't tell Jimin it was the time he's in high school. Well, Jungkook thinks there's no need to explained further because Jimin only asked him whether he ever fall in love or not, so that's what he answered unnoticed the disappointment in Jimin facial expression. He doesn't know why but listened to his teacher's confession somehow hurt him because he knows the male didn't talk about him, instead it was someone who Jimin didn't know...

"What is it l-like... To fall in love?" Jimin asked breaking off Jungkook thought caused him to chuckled as he looked at Jimin in the boy's eyes and cupped Jimin face with one of his hands, covered half of it, feeling the soft baby skin against his palm.

"It feels like the world has stopped whenever you looked at the person you love... They become your reason to smile, to wake up, and to sleep. Whatever they do, look perfect from your eyes even though they don't but your heart tends to believe that... Their smile..." Jungkook stopped and closed his eyes, recollected the moment where Jimin smiled while his hand remained on the boy's face.

"Their giggles..." Jungkook mumbled recalled the way Jimin giggled when he kissed the boy all over after their intense session... Oh how much he cherishes all of that... Jungkook not gonna deny, if he dies at this minute where Jimin complexion is still fresh in his memory, he doesn't regret it. In fact, he gladly take those memories with him till he reached the grave... Jungkook opened his eyes and looked into Jimin eyes who still didn't say anything, waiting for his teacher to finish

"When you looked into their eyes, you could see there's a whole galaxy inside them and there's something whispered softly near your ears telling that you love them... Everything near reminded you of them... Your body is earned for their presence even though you just separated not too long ago... And lastly, you will feel nothing but a burst of happiness whenever you are with them... Love... Love is a fascinating thing Jimin... It's a destiny blessing... It can make you hurt but at the same time happy..."

Jungkook finished, still keeping his gazes on Jimin as the boy froze before looked away, breaking off their connection. He didn't know, Jungkook will be so romantic in this kind of stuff... The way his teacher describes the feeling is so beautiful as if whoever he implied to is his world. "D- do you love someone right now?" Jimin asked hesitantly because, for some reason, he wanted to know who Jungkook loves but at the same time he was scared if is not his name. So, rather than asking whoever is it, Jimin asked whether he loves someone currently...

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