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Mother's Love.


Author's Pov

The spacious room is filled with nothing but pain reflection coming from Jimin. He was still in Taehyung's house and now, laying on the latter's bed.

Jimin's head was facing up to the ceiling as tears didn't stop crawling from his eyes, wetting his cheeks before landed on the pillow cover. 3 hours have passed and yet there he is, crying like Mr. Jeon is the one who dumped him and not the other way around. Jimin was surprised he didn't fell unconscious by the number of tears he made that day.

If tears could count, surely it would be already sea. Jimin didn't get off the bed nor he planned to. He turned his body to the side and glanced outside the window before noticed it was already dawn. By this, Jimin wondered how's the male doing? Did he suffer too? Or only Jimin is the heartbroken one?

All these thoughts were running inside his head, making him restless. He didn't have the energy to do anything but somehow his body managed to produced gallons of tears after hours of crying. Jimin noticed the once beautiful sunset was now dull from his eyes sight...

Slowly, he hold out his hand to removed the blanket on top of him before walking towards the window, wanted to look at the sunset clearly. He reached there and unknowingly another set of tears rolling down from his eyes. No matter how much he wanted to deny it, the pain will eventually come back to him and burned him inside, alive.

Jimin feels as if there's a circle around them and he keeps running away from Jungkook but at the end of the day, he came back to the male. Yeah, that explanation is what seems matched in the boy situation. He tried to do other things that could make him forget the pain but he couldn't. There's no escape from this painful feeling...

"Did he moved on already?" Jimin asked and watched the sun slowly goes down at the same time, taking all colors along. He knows he shouldn't be crying after what he decided but could you blame him? As much as he loves Jungkook, he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his parents behind. Well, to be fair, Jimin didn't mind losing his mother but his father?

No way...

Like Diamond and rings, they shall never be apart from each other. His father what makes his life goes on... They're so close–

Jimin's Pov

My thoughts broke when I heard knocks coming from outside the door. I know who it was but I'm not ready to face him... At least not now.

My heart... I could feel the pain. It hasn't stopped aching from the moment I left Mr. Jeon. Why am I hurting? We all know the relationship eventually will end when both of us get bored with each other. I don't know if I ever got bored of him for years to come but I know he'll leave me when he found the one he wanna marry.

I made the right decision in choosing my mother over him but why it hurts me? Shouldn't I be happy and enjoying my life right now? I couldn't handle it... Somehow, everything I saw today reminded me of him. My front yard, the abandoned room at school, Taehyung's front door... Everything that I saw.

It hurts, I'm not gonna lie. You feel like there are a million people in front of you and they were punching your chest over and over again. Oh, the universe knows how much I want to run back to Mr. Jeom and let his arms wrapped around me like he usually does.

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