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Sweet Bonding Between Us



Author's Pov

Jimin groaned as he smiled while his eyes stayed closed and spread his hand wide, landing them on his right side, expecting his boyfriend's warmth but frowned when he noticed there's no one beside him when it should be Jungkook's presence.

He opened his eyes and realized he was laying on a bed that was surely not his as Jimin glanced around and noticed he's in someone else's room. He freaked out as he pushed the soft black-colored blanket that covered up his petite body and moved his legs, landing them on the cold tiles, and stood up.

He didn't waste any time as he immediately stepped outside the room, search for his beloved teacher. "Mr. Jeon?" He called out while rubbing his blurred eyes and walked down to the living room, as he glanced around but grimaced when he noticed the male was nowhere to be seen. He reached the ground floor, still calling out Jungkook name as he yelped loudly when someone picked him up in bridal style.

"What the hell Mr. Jeon?!" Jimin half yelled but giggled at the same time as his hands automatically wrapped around the male's neck, scared if he fall. "Let me down!" Jimin said again but Jungkook just shrugged off and peck Jimin's lips before staring into the boy's eyes, feeling himself falling deeper the longer he eyed the boy. Jimin giggled as he looked into Jungkook eyes, staring at those pair of doe's eyes only to find how much his teacher adore him.

He doesn't know where's the craving coming from but Jimin hand unexpectedly moved to Jungkook's cheek as he cupped the male face and slowly closing their space and crashed their lips. Jungkook didn't waste any time as he kissed the boy back, feeling Jimin soft plump lips against him. No tongue nor sexual attraction is involved, just a passionate kiss that connected their hearts and their souls together.

Jimin moved his lips against his teacher, feeling his stomach burst in euphoria and somehow he couldn't believe what he just did. He couldn't believe he kissed his teacher without sexual desire but just a kiss he long for. Jimin wanted to stay there and kiss the male forever but he knows he needs to breathe so he broke the kiss, leaving only a string of saliva connected to them.

No words but they speak in tongues.

Jungkook didn't say anything as he stared at Jimin as if the boy is his whole world and Jimin caught sight of that. He noticed the affection Jungkook displayed in his eyes and he couldn't help but to stared at them, feeling himself drowned in the male's spell. Now that he thinks it back, what Taehyung said back then could possibly it's true.

He indeed falling in love with his teacher.

He didn't know why but Jimin find himself changed for the male. He has become a person who always smiled these days and not to added the way he feels the butterfly feelings inside his stomach every time he's with his teacher. "Thank you..." Jimin said truthfully still not breaking the gaze on Jungkook who chuckled at his words.

"For what baby?" Jungkook asked but Jimin didn't reply, instead, he moved his legs, landing them on the floor still holding Jungkook's neck as the male's hand automatically landed on the boy's petite waist. "For making me realized that I'm at fault and for be there for me when I'm crying..." Jimin said as he cupped Jungkook face once more kissed him for the second time that day.

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