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I Wanted To Tell You But
I'm A Coward.


Author's Pov

Jungkook opened his eyes and looked to his left only to be awestruck by the naked beauty beside him.

There, Jimin head was laid neatly on a pillow while his chubby hands were fixed on Jungkook's hard chest as the male plumps lips pout a little making Jungkook coo at the cute sight. "How can I be so lucky?" Jungkook asked himself and moved closer to Jimin, putting the boy's head on the top of his arm.

"I was sitting here thinking about all of the things I wanted to say to you so that you'll know exactly how much I love you but I don't know how to put things into words..." Jungkook mumbled while staring at the sleeping boy and hold out his other hand to remove Jimin's bangs from his face, wanted to see the boy clearly.

"The grateful feelings I have when you come into my life are more than words can explain... We have obstacles to overcome but I believe we can make it through anything... I promise to fight for you always. I adore you, my precious little baby..." Jungkook muttered and still keeping his gazes on Jimin, feeling himself falling deeper for the boy although he was literally sleeping. 

Unexpectedly, a string of tears fall from his eyes as his beautiful sight immediately blurred... He doesn't know why but there's an unknown feeling inside him that tells something unpleasant will happen to the boy. Jungkook surely didn't want that to happen at all and hope to stop it from happening but he couldn't see the bigger picture.

He just hopes... Whatever happens later... His baby will stay strong...

"My baby sugar plum precious cake sweetheart..." Jungkook whispered while smiling as he cupped Jimin face softly, not wanting the boy to stir up from his sleep, and pecked the boy's forehead before back away. He then moved Jimin's head slowly to the pillow as he stepped off the bed, feeling the cold tiles against his foot.

He glanced outside the window and noticed that it will dawn soon so Jimin might be hungry when he woke up, so Jungkook decided to cook something for the male after taking a shower. Since the boy was sleeping and looked so exhausted, he doesn't want to disturb him.

Jungkook entered the bathroom as he stripped himself out and hung the wardrobe behind the door before stepped into the shower place that was separated from outside with glass, not minding locking the door because he doesn't want the boy to freak out like last time again...

He sighed as he think back on what he said... He doesn't understand why but even though he got to see Jimin healthy and happy in front of him, he got these uneasy, unconfirmed, and uncertain feelings wander around him, not giving him a break. Somehow, these little impressions managed to make Jungkook crazy, trying to protect Jimin from what? He, himself doesn't know... 

Jungkook closed his eyes as he feels the warm water dropped on his head, wetting his hair. His breath hitched when he felt someone's hands wrapped around his lower torso as he turned around only to meet with the sight of Jimin smiling cutely.

"You're awake?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows and Jimin nodded caused Jungkook to choke on his breath, scared if the boy heard his confession earlier. "What's wrong Mr. Jeon?!" Jimin panicked as he hold out Jungkook who act like he's about to die. Jungkook then quickly glanced at Jimin and noticed the I don't know what is happening face as he calmed down and realized, the boy didn't hear anything.

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