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The Queen Of The Game.


Author's Pov

"You should be going back to school now... I'm sure they are worried about you." Jungkook mumbled as he broke the kiss making Jimin whined loudly like a baby. He chuckled at that and move back closer, seeing the way Jimin face amused thinking Jungkook will kiss him again but what the older does is leaving a peck on his forehead.

Jimin froze by that before finally realized what had happened as he pushed Jungkook away and jumped out of the bed. He faced towards the mirror and straightening his school shirt, acting cold but his red cheeks betrayed him the most. He gasped when he feel Jungkook hands wrapped around him from the back while his chin landed perfectly on his right shoulder.

Jungkook does this many times already but Jimin still wouldn't get used to it. Every time the older does that, it would feel like the first time for Jimin... Well, it's not like he's going to complain because he does like it when Jungkook did that. He gazed at their reflection through the mirror and saw how Jungkook hands are perfectly secured around his waist as if those hands were meant to be there.

"Are you mad?" Jungkook asked and make eye contact with Jimin through the mirror, bringing the familiar shivers behind the boy's back every time he does that. "Why would I be mad?" Jimin replied as he rolled his eyes in annoyance before leaning against the male body and placed his tiny hands on top of Jungkook's, feeling the big warm skin.

"Because... I didn't give you what you want?" Jungkook said but more like a question through Jimin question as he tilted his head and looked at the older, silently question what did he do in his past life to deserve such a handsome angel. "What do you think I am Mr. Jeon? Baby? I don't need your kisses!!" Jimin sneered before grabbing Jungkook tied hands and detached them so that he could walk away.

He managed to step away and was then, heading towards the locked door. Right about when he's about to grab the doorknob, Jungkook pulled the boy from behind and turned his body facing him, before picking him up by sliding his hands below Jimin's thighs. "Woahh!! Mr. Jeon!! Are you out of your mind?!" Jimin yelped and encircled his hands around Jungkook's neck, feeling gravity pulling him down.

"Yeah, I'm out of my mind... Ever since I saw you and yes. You're a baby... MY baby..." Jungkook declared and Jimin scrunched his nose in cringe. "That's so cheesy... I almost fart hearing that." Jimin retorted and looked away before smile a little, feeling his insides burst in exhilaration. Might be cringe for the people who listen to it but surely not for Jimin who actually think that kind of saying is sweet and romantic.

"Do you think I don't know that you're smiling even though you looked away?" Jungkook teased as Jimin hold his smile before turned to the older once again, suddenly awestruck by the sight in front of him. Jungkook is more handsome when he looked from above. Well, the male is always good-looking in Jimin eyes no matter which angles but from the top, he could see the scene is a whole lot better. It is just different from another typical angle.

"Might take a photo. It lasts a while." Jungkook laughed after noticed that Jimin was staring at his face for two minutes and surprisingly, not even blinking once caused the boy to cough out loud by that before smacked Jungkook chest, silently telling him to stop teasing him but will the older stop? Of course not.

"Don't be so full of yourself old man. Now let me down. I need to go to school..." Jimin sassed, thinking Jungkook might feel offended but what he received was a wide smile from the latter which brought him into confusion. He glanced to his left, checking himself in the mirror thinking there's something on his face that makes Jungkook grinned but there's none.

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