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The Real Reason Behind My Action


Author's Pov

Jimin was standing in front of Taehyung's door house for minutes. Well, half of an hour exactly. Somehow, Jimin was unable to knock at the door and straight-facing Taehyung because embarrassment hit him in the face. But then again, he couldn't wait for tomorrow, he wanted to meet the boy today.

Taehyung on the other hand was watching Jimin from inside silently. He was sitting on one of the couches which were positioned opposite a television and it's facing outside, where he saw Jimin's shadow. He realized the boy already standing there for a long time now, but will he do anything? No. If Jimin comes here and wanted to apologize to him, he will gladly wait for the boy until Jimin is ready.

Taehyung was holding a bowl of popcorn while watching a popular family show while peeked at Jimin once in a while, to make sure the boy is still there. After few minutes of eternity, Taehyung smiled when he finally heard the knock he wanted to hear knowing Jimin is ready.

Yes, Taehyung was upset with the boy when he accused him but the longer Taehyung thinks is back, Jimin is not at fault here. Yeah, sure Jimin blamed him and there's no explanation for that side but wouldn't you think the same way if your best friend does something like a third person does when it comes to a relationship?

Taehyung grinned a little as he set the popcorn aside and stood up, leading his way to the door as he swings it opened and maintain his cold face as if he hate Jimin. "Took you long enough..." Taehyung said coldly as he watched Jimin's reaction. "Listen... Tae... I know-"

"Cute that shit already. Come here!!" Taehyung cut Jimin off, caught him by surprise as he opened his arms wide for the boy to put his petite body in between. Jimin smiled a little as tears rolled down his eyes and waste no time hugging his best friend but remorse filled him more.

He wondered how Taehyung could be so nice after what he had said to him... Jimin truly didn't deserve this kind of treatment... Well, at least that's what he thought so... Taehyung believed Jimin deserve to be gave anything in the world.

"I'm... S-sorry..." Jimin mumbled as he hugged the boy, hiding his face in Taehyung's chest while old tears kept replaced with a new one. Taehyung smiled at this as he hugged his best friend more but frowned upon Jimin sobbing because the last thing he wanted Jimin is to cry. "Hey... Please don't cry... It's all passed now... Neither you nor I am at fault." Taehyung assured as he caressed the boy back.

"Fuck you!! We both know I'm the one who is at fault here!!" Jimin cursed caused Taehyung to burst into a laugh and broke the hug. "Oh, Jiminie... Let's go inside. I know you'll spend the night here. I told your parents that you're with me..." Taehyung said as he opened the door wide, giving enough space for them to enter the house together.

"You know... I already saw you half-hour ago outside my house, standing like a statue..." Taehyung teased as Jimin turned away, unable to cope with the embarrassment which caught his best friend's attention immediately. "Wait- ARE YOU BEING SHY NOW?!" Taehyung asked excitedly, almost screamed and nearly deafened out of Jimin's ears.

"Shut up!! You're being too loud!!" Jimin warned but Taehyung didn't care because he was truly shocked over what happened. Well, here's the story... After what happened to Jimin, the boy change completely into a different person, he used to be shy and bubbly but all of that shifted when he got assaulted. But now, he begin to change to his old self again and Taehyung couldn't be any happier... He must admit, he missed the old Jimin but sometimes having the sassy and fierce Jimin by your side is fun too.

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