f o r t y s e v e n

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Anthony Lawrence

"I thought you were celebrating Sam's birthday?"

I was completely taken aback as Elias suddenly stood in front of my entrace door, an expression of distress and exhaustion on his face.

"Yeah, the party is over already." He told me, stepping inside my apartment.

In the back of my mind, there was a bitter taste of doubt, yet my feelings for Elias made me want to trust him and believe everything was okay. It was a constant battle between my intuition and my heart, leaving me torn and uncertain about what to do.

At this point, I wasn't really afraid that he would do something to hurt me anymore. It was more the fact that I was completely unsure of how to deal with what he was doing for a living and what he had done to many people, including myself, that didn't sit right with me.

I hated that Jace took his sweet time to destroy the already fragile image I had of Elias all over again. But on the other hand, I had to know what I was putting myself into.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Elias casually walked into my kitchen, passing me by without greeting me any further, which made me flinch but I brushed it off, thinking that it was probably because something during Sam's party didn't go well.

I wished I could have seen Sam today to congratulate him in person and celebrate his special day with him but with Leah and her family, Elias' family and many people that I have probably already met during my wedding, that obviously loathed me around, it had been clear that I couldn't show up randomly and grace everyone with my presence.

"Y-yes," I responded, trying to remember, if I had actually eaten something today, only to come to the conclusion that I forgot about it once again.

After my shift at the hospital, I went to Jasmine to help her out pick the perfect new waiter to help her out and then Jace showed up to keep me busy during the whole afternoon, causing me to break down in the end. I did try to calm down my nerves by taking a long hot bath.

I knew that Jace wanted to manipulate me into getting rid of Elias, and that I had to make my own judgement about him.

Though, obviously with my day being so packed, eating hasn't been my priority.

I could see Elias' gaze flickering, refusing to meet mine directly. It was as if he was scrutinizing every word, I was saying. And despite my efforts, sensing my untruthfulness, leaving me feeling exposed and uneasy.

However, he didn't comment on it and proceeded to look around in my kitchen what I had to offer, to cook something.

It became sort of a tradition that he either brought food or cooked, whenever he came to my place. Because though he never addressed it, my weight loss bothered him. After all, the issue I had with forgetting to eat or even throwing up my meals right away because my stomach wasn't used to it anymore, started when he decided to kidnap me. And even now that I wasn't in captivity anymore, I heavily struggled to build a healthy relationship with food again.

I never blamed Elias for this issue, but the guilt in his eyes every time we talked about food or he wrapped his arms around my slim waist or when he saw videos and pictures of how I have looked before he came into my life, was clearly visible.

"Did something happen during Sam's birthday?" I questioned curiously, sitting down at the kitchen island, observing him as he moved around the kitchen with grace and expertise.

I couldn't understand, where he got his breathtaking cooking skills from, when I thought his maids were always the ones preparing his meals at home. Part of me wished, I could possess that same level of talent to impress him in return.

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