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Li Min (nick name Chang Geng) was a seventeen year old boy studying in the Royal International School. An interschool football tournament was organised by his school. Four schools from their city were participating in that tournament. The tournament was scheduled for two days and girls and boys were playing separately. Parents of all the students were invited to watch the final matches of boys' team and girls' team. The school organised some cultural programs to entertain the guests before the matches too.

The boys' team from Chang Geng's school qualified for the final match but the girl's team could not. The boys' team would play against the boys of the Orchid International School in final match. Chang Geng was the best player of their team. On the day of the final match he reached school with Gu Yun and Shen Yi. Gu Yun and Shen Yi jointly run a sports academy for boys. They were childhood friends and had a strong understanding. They went to the gallery and as Chang Geng was walking towards his changing room he heard the chatting of some girls.

First girl: "wow, what a rare opportunity to see so many handsome men at a time."

Second girl: "I think fathers are becoming more and more handsome these days."

Third girl: "but who are those men?"

First girl: "they can't be fathers, they look so young."

Chang Geng could clearly understand whom they were referring to. His jaw hardened and he proceed towards his changing room.

Fourth girl: "I like that man, who is wearing blue shirt."

Second girl: "I like him too. But why is he here? Whose parent is he?"

Fifth girl: "may be he is some one's brother. Let's keep an eye on him."

Chang Geng was extremely irritated and decided to not to listen to any of the gossip of girls. He reached to the changing room, thankfully there were no girls. He thought he should concentrate on match but his friends Cao Chunhua and Ge Chen came towards him. They were his classmates and students of the sports academy of Gu Yun and Shen Yi.

Ge Chen asked, "did Gu sir and Shen sir come with you?"


Cao Chunhua said, "I am going to see them."

"Don't go now, we will meet them on lunch break, after our match," Chang Geng said coldly and Cao Chunhua agreed.

That was a tough match but Chang Geng as striker, Cao Chunhua as midfielder and Ge Chen as goalkeeper played well and Royal International School won the match by 4:3. Gu Yun was happy to see the performance of his favourite students and went forward to hug them after match. As a result lots of girls came to those boys to know about Gu Yun. Chang Geng did not say anything but Cao Chunhua started show off. He said that Shen Yi was the boyfriend of Chen Qingxu, the principal of their school. He proudly introduced himself as Gu Yun and Shen Yi's student. Girls became more interested about Gu Yun and asked different questions about him which he answered. Finally he realized the matter when one of the girls asked, "is he single?"

He asked, "why are you asking so many questions about him?"

"Because we like him and want his number."

"No, I can't give you his number, he will punish me."

"Then tell us more about him."

"No, I will not say anything about Gu sir," he said.

Ge Chen said, "if you are that interested, then you should ask Li Min. He is Li Min's foster father."

"Really? Is he your foster father, Li Min?" girls asked.

Chang Geng said, "he is my guardian, he did not officially adopt me."

"Do you live with him?"

"My parents died in a car accident seven years ago. Gu Yun is my distant relative, he is taking care of me since then. He loves me like his son but did not adopt me due to the curse of his family."

"What curse?" Not only the girls got curious but the boys present there also took interest in that matter.

"His family got a curse long ago. Due to the curse, no female can survive in his family. No girl child ever lived more than one month and no woman married in their family ever lived more than one year."

"How is that possible?"

"His grandfather got his father after marrying three women. None of his wives lived more than one year. His mother died during labour, when he was born. Gu Yun's fiancée died even before their marriage, as they were dating for almost one year. He is single since then. He does not want to give me the curse so he did not officially adopt me."

All the girls believed his words and vanished from that area.

Cao Chunhua said hopefully, "he should date a boy then. The curse will not affect any boy."

Chang Geng know that Cao Chunhua liked Gu Yun for long. He said, "boys can be born in his family, but he can not love any boy. His father brought a boy as concubine after his mother's death, but the boy died six months later."

"Are these stories true, Li Min?"

"Of course, these are true. Otherwise why is a handsome man like him still single?"

Cao Chunhua became sad and went to the washroom. Chang Geng covered his face with a towel and relaxed on a chair. He was feeling satisfied by his own craftiness. He smiled under the cover of that towel, not showing any trace of happiness to others. Just by one story he eliminated all the girls and that nosy Cao Chunhua from his path. He loves Gu Yun, no one else should think about his Gu Yun.

After few minutes a girl came near Chang Geng and ask in a low voice, "Li Min, can I ask you one question?"

Chang Geng did not remove the towel from his face but said, "yes."

"You are not directly related to him. It means that you are not affected by that curse. You can live a happy life if you want."

"He thought so, but I am already cursed as he took me in his home. Do you remember Zhang Meiling?"

"Yes, she was our classmate. But she died suddenly from illness last year."

"I liked her and was planning to confess my love to her. But she died before I could do that."

That girl was shocked and unable to say anything after that. She liked Chang Geng, but she was not ready to die so young. She slowly walked away from Chang Geng. Chang Geng thought about Gu Yun's beautiful face, his two beauty marks, his flirtatious eyes and sighed. If he could not get that man as his own, no one else should get him. Gu Yun should never love anyone except Chang Geng.