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Shen Qiao reached the factory where he was a production manager. He entered his chamber, placed his laptop on his table and put his bag on side table. As soon as he sat down and called his junior to discuss work Bai Rong came in with a cup of black tea. She placed the cup on table and smiled before leaving the room. Junior Yu Shengyan had noticed that earlier too. Shen Qiao did not have any fixed time to reach the factory, he always reached there as per his own convenience. But every morning as soon as Shen Qiao enters the factory, Bai Rong came with a cup of tea for him.

"Sir, do you call Bai Rong before coming to the factory?" asked Yu Shengyan.

"No. Why should I?" Shen Qiao asked back indifferently.

"Then how does she know when would you come?" asked Yu Shengyan.

"How would she?" Shen Qiao lifted the cup to his lips and sipped the tea.

"As soon as you come she comes with your tea. How is that possible? You never come on a fixed time." Yu Shengyan was puzzled. If Shen Qiao did not inform Bai Rong, how could she know when to make tea for him?

"I have no idea. Now don't waste time and start working in these two products."

Yu Shengyan went to the production area. But there was another person who did not comment until Yu Shengyan was gone. It was the Quality Control Manager Bian Yanmei.

He said, "Bai Rong gives us tea ten minutes after we ask for it. But whenever you ask for tea, she comes within two minutes. Is there any telepathy between you two?"

"Stop talking nonsense. I have nothing to do with Bai Rong," said Shen Qiao.

"But I think she likes you. That's why she is always ready to instantly make your tea." Like Yu Shengyan, Bian Yanmei had also suspected that there must be something cooking between Shen Qiao and Bai Rong.

"What kind of tea do you take?" asked Shen Qiao.

"Normal milk tea, that everyone takes," replied Bian Yanmei.

"What kind of tea do I prefer?" asked Shen Qiao.

"Green tea or black tea," replied Bian Yanmei.

"Either green tea or black tea without sugar. It takes one minute to make my tea. That's why I get my tea instantly," Shen Qiao explained.

"You may be right but my observation is right too," said Bian Yanmei.

"Don't you have any work?" asked Shen Qiao and walked out of the chamber. He went directly to the production area.

Shen Qiao never looked at Bai Rong with any interest but always talked to her politely. Bai Rong started liking him within the couple of days she started working in that factory. Whenever she found Shen Qiao alone she tried to know more about the man she adored.

One day she asked, "Mr. Shen, are you already married?"

"No, not yet," replied Shen Qiao. He was busy in some documents which were required to send to for approval from local authorities.

"Do you have a girlfriend then?" asked Bai Rong.

"Girlfriend? I don't have any. But why are you asking these things? Don't you have work to do?" asked Shen Qiao.

"I will go now. But Mr. Shen, is there anyone you like?" asked Bai Rong.

Shen Qiao's face lighted up as he remembered the person he liked. He smiled beautifully. Bai Rong understood that there must be someone whom Shen Qiao liked.

"Who is that person?" asked Bai Rong curiously. There was a little hope in her heart to hear her name.

"That's none of your business," said Shen Qiao. His expression changed back to his normal aloofness as he continued to work. Bai Rong assumed that Shen Qiao was shy to express his feelings. She smiled and went away from that room. She would wait for Shen Qiao's confession a little longer. If he does not do that in a couple of months, she would confess her love to him.