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Mo Ran was a first year undergraduate student of Science in a small town college. His major subject was Physics. Professor Chu Wanning came from a big university to that college that year. Mo Ran felt a huge attraction towards that Professor during his first lecture. Prof. Chu was giving a lecture on Vector Analysis and Mo Ran was listening to his every word with a open mouth. After that lecture, Vector Analysis became his favourite subject. He went to library and borrowed two books on Vector Analysis and went home. He read those books and solved some problems and could not stop thinking about Prof. Chu.

The next morning he ran to his college to get the front seat in Prof. Chu's lecture. But after reaching college he realized that there were no lecture of Prof. Chu that day. He became sad but attended other lectures of physics, mathematics and chemistry. Mathematics and chemistry was his minor subjects.

Xue Meng was his classmate and they came from same school. He asked, "what happened to you?"

"What would happen to me?"

"Something is going on your head. What it is?"

"I want to know about Prof. Chu. His teaching technique is so good."

"You are right. And he is so handsome and dashing," said Song Qiutong excitedly.

"I too want to know about him, let's ask our seniors," Mei Hanxue said. His twin brother also agreed to him.

They found two seniors Nangong Si and Shi Mei in second year classroom. But they also did not know much about Prof. Chu. They asked the lab assistants and came to know that Prof. Chu lived alone in the quarter provided by the college. Every weekend he travelled to another town to see his family.

Nangong Si said, "I wonder, if he is married or not."

Shi Mei narrowed her eyes and said, "I think he is unmarried."

"Why do you think so?" Song Qiutong asked curiously.

"He has a vibe of a bachelor. Only a single man can be that aloof," said Shi Mei. Everyone agreed to that.

Days passed and Mo Ran became more or more fascinated by Prof. Chu. He started dreaming about a life with Prof. Chu. He daydreamt that he was living with Prof. Chu and Prof. Chu was teaching him personally. He liked to daydream about the sweet moment with Prof. Chu. He knew that he could not confess his love to Prof. Chu, so he started praying to get Prof. Chu's attention. Day by day his longing for Prof. Chu was increasing and his body started to turn on whenever he thought about Prof. Chu. He never missed a single class of his and tried to impress him in practical experiments.

They got a few days break before their first semester. Mo Ran was studying in his room. Xue Meng called him and asked, "do you know what happened in college?"

"What happened?"

"My father called me and said that someone wrote something about you on the wall beside our departments entrance."

"Who wrote about me? And what is written there?"

"My father did not say the details and told me to check it ourselves. I am going to call the Mei brothers and you call Song Qiutong. We will meet in half an hour in front of our department."

Xue Meng's father was the head of Chemistry department of the same college. He noticed Mo Ran's name on the wall and called Xue Meng immediately. When Mo Ran reached college, his friends were already there. He was shocked to see the graffiti on the wall. It was a small town and peoples knew each other well. There were lots of staff in their college who lived near his house and knew his family. The Physics department was just in front of the administrative department and Principal's office. Anyone could report about this to his parents and his life could turn into a hell. But the first thought came to Mo Ran's mind was, "what will Prof. Chu think about me?"

Mo Ran, the student of Physics (first year) is in a romantic relationship with Rong Jiu.

It was written in large bold leters with bright red paint. Anyone could notice that even from a distance. They had no idea who could do that in the college building and why? He only talked to Rong Jiu few times before, did not even know much about him. His friends suggested to cover the writing with paint as early as possible. They bought colour and started painting the wall. As they were painting, Prof. Chu came out of the department and stopped near them. Mo Ran's heart stopped beating. He was standing on a stool and painting the upper part of the wall.

Prof. Chu looked at him and said, "after you finish this, come inside to meet me, all of you." Every one nodded and he went inside the department.

Mo Ran's body became soft and he sat down, his friends completed the work. Then they slowly went to Prof. Chu's chamber and knocked the door. Mo Ran was scared to death. Prof. Chu gave the timetable of the practical examination and wished them for their examination.

After the examination, classes resumed and everything became normal. The wall outside their department was painted back to its usual colour and no one mentioned anything about that writing on the wall. Mo Ran was writing a report of his experiment when Prof. Chu came in. He abruptly stood up from his stool and Prof. Chu sat on that. But one of Mo Ran's leg was still under the table, which he could not remove before Prof. Chu sat on his stool. Prof. Chu explained the next experiment to everyone and it took him almost fifteen minutes. Mo Ran was scared to even breath, his body went stiff. He could not remove his leg and endured the situation for those fifteen minutes. Prof. Chu finished the explanation and went out. That night Mo Ran could not close his eyes even for a second. He was going crazy but did not know what to do.

After few days Prof. Chu said, "students, I will take a break from next Thursday. I will come back on Monday."

Xue Meng asked, "sir, are you going anywhere?"

"Yes, my wife has a surgery next Friday. I have to present there for her operation."

The news of Prof. Chu having a wife broke Mo Ran's heart into pieces. He was unable to talk to anyone and went to the library. He found a corner and cried silently. That night he got high fever and could not go to college for four days. After that he tried to avoid Prof. Chu as much as possible.

One day Song Qiutong confessed her love to him and he accepted her as his girlfriend. Next year he went to another town to study Botany and broke up with Song Qiutong.