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Luo Binghe was a first year student of a reputed university. His major subject was Clinical Pharmacology. Prof. Yue Qingyun was the head of Pharmacology department. Prof. Shen Qingqiu, Prof. Liu Qingge and Prof. Qi Qingqi were professors in his department. Prof. Shen was a handsome and single man, he had a friendly nature and behaved casually with his colleagues. Prof. Liu and Prof. Qi were also unmarried and three of them liked to hang out together. There were rumours that they were student life friends and Qi Qingqi wanted to marry Liu Qingge. But Liu Qingge refused her for some unknown reason.

Luo Binghe was an introvert boy. On the opening day of their session he was sitting alone in a corner. He had a beautiful innocent face with bright eyes. His skin was fair like white jade and his head was full of thick, curly hair. Every student noticed him but Luo Binghe did not look at anyone. So no one went to talk to him. A girl named Ning Yingying approached him and introduced herself. Luo Binghe talked to her with politeness and respect. Another girl Liu Mingyan, who was extremely beautiful joined them. By the end of the day, three of them became good friends.

Other girls from their class liked Luo Binghe and tried to approach him, but he remained indifferent towards them. Many boys envied him for his popularity, but Luo Binghe ignored everyone except Ning Yingying and Liu Mingyan. Everyone thought that he was enjoying the company of two girls, but no one noticed that his eyes were stuck to one person. And that person was Prof. Shen Qingqiu. As Luo Binghe carefully observed Prof. Shen's every movement and every expression, he noticed that Prof. Shen had a great interest in girls. Prof. Shen's lectures were flawless and interesting but during lectures he liked to stare at beautiful girls. Luo Binghe did not like that and started working hard to make an impression on Prof. Shen.

He tried to perform well in practical classes too. Once in a week, Prof. Shen gave instruction in the laboratory. Otherwise Prof. Qi Qingqi and Liu Qingge were responsible for their practical classes. One day all the first year students gathered in the laboratory and lab assistants were ready with lots of white mice in cages and equipment for the practical experiments. Students had already learnt some basic clinical practices, like measuring blood pressure, pulse rate, body temperature etc. But it was their first class with mice.

Prof Shen gave the introduction and demonstrated how to hold a mouse and how to inject it with saline water. Yes, it was their first day to hold a mouse and they would only inject saline water for practice purpose. They would inject drugs to them after few practice classes. Students were divided into groups and they started holding mice. Luo Binghe held a mouse effortlessly, Gongyi Xiao was his partner, he also easily held a mouse. Gongyi Xiao took a syringe and injected saline water to that mouse and put it into another empty cage. Luo Binghe looked at Prof. Shen and his heart filled with jealousy. Prof. Shen was looking at Liu Mingyan intently, without blinking his eyes. Ning Yingying went to him and showed her mouse holding style. Prof. Shen looked at her and said that she was doing good. Ning Yingying became happy and did not notice that Prof. Shen started measuring her body with his eyes. Luo Binghe burned with anger and threw the mouse (which he was holding) on the girls beside him. The girls were frightened and screamed. Ming Fan was standing just next to those girls, he had just pushed the needle in the belly of a mouse, did not get the time to pull it out till then. One girl jumped and clutched his shirt with a scream. Ming Fan startled, as a result the needle was pushed further in the belly of the mouse. He quickly pull the needle out but the mouse was already injured (later it died). The free mouse was running here and there and girls as well as some boys started jumping and screaming. Prof. Shen got up from his chair and reached the chaotic place. Two lab attendants were trying to catch the running mouse.

Prof, Shen asked, "who did this?" No one replied.

He again asked, "Gongyi Xiao, I am asking you. Tell me who did this."

Gongyi Xiao looked at Luo Binghe nervously and then lowered his head.

Prof. Shen walked towards Luo Binghe and looked at his face. "Luo Binghe, do you know who was it?"

"Sir, I thought I held it right, but it bit my finger. So I could not hold it any longer and accidentally released it." Luo Binghe showed his bloody finger.

Prof. Shen was an experience person, he knew that the wound was not a mousebite. "Okay, students, go back to your places and resume your work." Prof. Shen rested his hand on Luo Binghe's shoulder, "do you want me to teach it again."

Luo Binghe's heart started beating randomly. In a low voice he said, "please sir. I need your guidance."

"First come with me, I will disinfect your wound."

Prof. Shen bandaged Luo Binghe's wound personally and said, "you should be more careful during experiments."

Luo Binghe said, "thank you sir. I will be careful next time."

Prof. Shen demonstratedthe whole procedure again to Luo Binghe and personally helped him to inject the mice.Luo Binghe enjoyed Prof. Shen's attention and touches, he even loved the smellof Prof. Shen.