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To listen to this story in hindi, check the video above from my youtube channel!


Mianmian was bored to death as she was sitting in her classroom with her friend Qin Su. They were friends for a long time. Qin Su used to be a fun loving girl, but recently she is behaving like an old lady. Mianmian wants to explore and enjoy but Qin Su always respond negatively. She is reluctant to do anything herself and she always tries to prevent everyone to have fun. As Mianmian is her closest friend, qin Su tries to fully control her life.

Presently they are in class 10th. For the past 7 years Mianmian and Qin Su sit together, eat together and they always spent time together. They treat each other as best friends and Qin Su feels jealous whenever Mianmian talks to someone else. But she herself talks to everyone she wants to. Mianmian does not like Qin Su's other friends but she never says anything.

A few new students join their class every year. Wei Wuxian is one of those new students, who joined this year. After the lunch break, when the teacher was not in the class, Mianmian was practicing calligraphy. Wei Wuxian noticed her and approached her. Qin Su was not in her seat, she was talking to someone else.

Wei Wuxian asked politely, "Mianmian, can I sit here? I want to look at your calligraphy."

Mianmian wanted to make new friends as she was extremely bored with Qin Su. But whenever she talks to anyone Qin Su does not miss to interrupt. Moreover after talking for once or twice Mianmian herself does not want to talk to them anymore. The boys in her class are pathetic, but this Wei Wuxian is a little different.

He is cute, and Mianmian wished to be friends with him. But Nie Huaisang and his friends called him to sit with them. Mianmian has no interest to interact with those rascals, therefore she never talked to Wei Wuxian.

It's not like that she has a crush on Wei Wuxian, she just wanted to make a new friend. Wei Wuxian sat beside her as she did not object and started checking her calligraphy. As soon as Qin Su noticed that someone was on her seat, she rushed back.

"Hey Wuxian, what are you doing here? Your crush is sitting alone on her desk," Qin Su said.

"My crush?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Why? Isn't Wen Qing your crush? You like her, right? Perhaps she likes you too," Qin Su said.

"Not Wen Qing... Lan Wangji is my crush," Wei Wuxian smiled.

"Is that so? Then why don't you go to him?" Qin Su asked.

Wei Wuxian got up and left.

"What was he talking about?" Qin Su sat on her seat.

"Nothing, he just praised my handwriting," Mianmian replied.

"Oh! I heard that he likes Wen Qing, perhaps she likes him too. She said that she likes a new boy," Qin Su said, "he is the cutest and smartest among those new boys. Wen Qing likes smart and brilliant boys."

"If they both like each other then it's good. This is none of our business. We both are single and we are going to stay single forever," Mianmian started gathering her stationeries.

"This is not going to happen to me," Qin Su said proudly, "There are many attractive boys in my tuition class, who are crazy about me."

Next day, they were in the computer lab. As Mianmian pulled a stool to sit, Wei Wuxian came to say, "Sister, I want this stool, let me take this one."

"Why should I do that, brother?" Mianmian asked, "I am sitting in this stool, you should take another one."

"Please sister," Wei Wuxian requested.