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Shino Yuzuru was busy for last few days for his cousin sister Himawari's marriage. He was the only son of his parents and he had only one cousin from his mother's side. They both had no other first cousins and grew up like siblings. Therefore Yuzuru had to accompany his cousin whenever she needed a helping hand. He was busy in different arrangements till the day of the wedding. Himawari was going to marry one of her colleagues, they both were working as software engineers in a multi-national company. Yuzuru was a history teacher in a high school in his hometown.

On the day of the wedding as Yuzuru was checking the arrangements, guests started coming for the ceremony. Welcoming guests was not his duty and he was not interested in socialization. As he was busy in his work someone called him in low voice.

"Yuzuru san!"

He turned and found a handsome man was standing there. He looked at that young man's face for some time. His face was so beautiful that it made Yuzuru speechless for a while.

"Yuzuru san, how are you?" that young man asked.

Yuzuru could not recognise that man and assumed that he was from the groom's side. So he tried his best to be polite and smiled. "I am fine. How are you?"

"I am so happy to see you. Are you a relative of the bride?"

"Yes, she is my cousin. Are you from groom's side?"

"Yes, he is my cousin. You know Yuzuru san, I was going to miss this wedding. Thank God I managed to come."

Yuzuru found that man's face somewhat familiar but could not remember where did they met. He decided to not to strain his brain as it has nothing to do with him. One girl came and dragged that young man with her, Yuzuru did not give any importance to that conversation which happened a couple of minutes ago. No one ever liked Yuzuru for long. People always came to him to talk for his handsomeness but no one liked him after getting to know him. No one knew his true self and with time he himself started believing that he had some shortcomings in his character. He had no friends and only his cousin Himawari was close to him and actually liked him. His students liked him very much for his cool behaviour in class, but all of his past relationships were ended within first two months of dating. He lost interest in dating and was single for last two years.

The wedding ceremony was going to start in half an hour. Yuzuru went to his cousin to see if she needed anything in the last moment. He was happy to find that everything was good and Himawari was looking gorgeous in her bridal dress. The ceremony ended perfectly and foods and drinks were served. That handsome man from earlier brought a plate of food and a glass of drink to Yuzuru and said, "Yuzuru San, I don't know what you would like to eat, but I brought you some food which you liked to eat earlier."

Yuzuru's food habits did not change much from his student life. He was surprized to know that the man in front of his knew his preferred foods. But he could not remember anything about that man.

"Thank you so much. But you should take your plate too."

"You don't need to be polite with me. But, would you like to sit with me?"

"Why not? Let's eat together."

Yuzuru did not wanted to offend anyone from the groom's side, otherwise his parents would start criticising him. Therefore he followed that man to a corner and sat down to eat the meal. Till that time he did not know his name. But instead of asking his name they started talking about their profession and other things. That man went abroad to study at the age of fourteen. After studying business, he got the responsibility of their family business there. He came back to his country to increase the business only a couple of days ago.